This HTML document is automatically generated from the Help file that accompanies Bracmat, using Bracmat to do the conversion.




pattern matching
binary operators
prefixes/unary operators
strings or atoms
the four evaluation contexts
programming in Bracmat
data structures
hash tables
character set


Bracmat makes it a joy to find your way in oddly shaped data and manipluate it at your will. Bracmat occupies a niche were you find few, if any, other computer programming languages.

This chapter may give you an impression of what Bracmat can do for you.

What is Bracmat?
Why use Bracmat?
How does Bracmat work?
What are Bracmat's limitations?
How did Bracmat evolve?
Why the name "Bracmat"?
How to obtain Bracmat
Where to find example code on the internet


What is Bracmat?

Bracmat is a computer programming language designed for analysis and manipulation of complex data, be it evaluation of algebraic expressions, parsing natural language, validation of HTML or automatic chaining multi-facetted webservices into a workflow. In several projects, Bracmat has been combined with other programming languages to take care of high level activities that otherwise would be very time consuming to implement.

Bracmat was originally developed as a calculator for symbolic algebra. Like a table calculator, Bracmat runned a Read Eval Print Loop (REPL). It added, multiplied, took powers and logarithms and differentiated algebraic expressions.

Later additions transformed the calculator into a programming language. The subject matter, algebraic expressions, had often to be destructured and recombined in a different way, e.g. to find terms with like factors and recombining these into a group of new terms with a common factor. What was needed was advanced pattern matching with a notation that requires little more than your intuition to understand, because the algebraic transformations to be implemented were already hard enough to grasp. Envisioning that pattern matching also would be very useful in natural language related problems, the subject domain was extended to cover almost any kind of data.

True to its roots, Bracmat still has an important feature in common with calculators: as long as the input data are simple enough, the user does (and can) not specify how these data have to be processed. Calculators handle basic calculations in a predictable, unchangeable way, e.g. 4+7 will always result in 11 , and not in, say, 10 or 23-12 . That is because the manufacturer had good reasons to think that 11 is what the user expects and nothing else.

In the same way, Bracmat handles basic "calculations" with a much wider variety of data: rational numbers, symbols, words and collections thereof. For example, a+b+a becomes 2*a+b and not, say, x.a or b+2*a . Again, Bracmat takes decisions that you can't easily circumvent. However, the more complex the data are, the better are the chances that not all results, although defendable, have an appearance that suits you. It is here that programming comes in: Bracmat leaves certain kinds of data unchanged, but opens the possibility to dissect data, to perform calculations on the parts, and to assemble an answer from the resulting sub-answers.

Bracmat makes no distinction between data and instructions. All there is are expressions. Some expressions stay the same upon evaluation, other expressions change radically, and then there are expressions that contain some parts that are stable upon evaluation and other parts that change. The advantage of having the same syntax for data and instructions is not in the first place that you could deconstruct and recombine program code (generally not a good idea), but that you can embed code in a data structure that adds more data upon evaluation. Such code can function as growing tips in list or tree structures, as variable fields in a standard letter, or as places of particular interest inside a pattern, to name some examples.

Another advantage of not having to distinguish between code and data is that reading a program and reading data from a file are no different. And saving a program is the same as saving data to a file. Which brings us to yet another enormous advantage: a Bracmat expression is virtually undecipherable if it doesn't obey the canonical layout rules, which are ... canonical. Whereas layout doesn't matter to Bracmat, it does to you, and therefore Bracmat, when asked to save an expression to file, imposes the canonical lay-out rules on the output, unless you insist on wanting to have it all in one line, no superfluous spaces allowed.

Bracmat expressions have a simple syntax: a mix of parentheses, binary operators, operands and prefixes preceding those operands or parentheses. When programmability was added to Bracmat, no new syntax was invented, but only a few handfuls of prefixes and binary operators dedicated to assignment, function calling, pattern matching and program flow, in addition to the operators for addition, multiplication, etc.


Why use Bracmat?

Bracmat is not a general purpose programming language, but a programming language that was conceived in the 1980's with a single aim: to make tedious algebraic manipulations easy and, most importantly, not prone to human errors. Now hang on.

Many problems can be solved by following steps similar to those taken when solving an algebraic problem:


User Interaction with Bracmat

Bracmat offers a simple environment for input of both data and code. After the prompt {?} you can write your input. When you hit the return key, Bracmat evaluates your input and writes the result to the screen following a {!} sequence (unless there was no visible result). Under the result follows a line that tells whether the evaluation was successful (S) or not (F) (in rare cases you may see an I , which, for the time being, you may interpret as failure). In the same line the machine shows how much processor time it needed. Intermediary results may also appear on the screen.

When instructions are entered from the keyboard, the program waits until all of the conditions below are fulfilled:

You can freely have parentheses and double quotes in a comment and you can freely have parentheses and braces in a string, provided the string is enclosed in double quotes.

You can write a multiple-line instruction by putting the instruction inside an extra pair of parentheses. After each non-terminating return, Bracmat shows in the next line how many closing parentheses are needed for the completion of the instruction. If you are in the middle of a string or a comment when pressing return, the next line starts with {str} or {com}, respectively.

If you want to enter several instructions on the same line, you should write a semicolon ; between the instructions. These instructions are executed in the same order. If you do not want to see the result of a calculation, you may write a semicolon after the last instruction. Instructions in a text file must be separated by semicolons.

You may freely surround binary operators with white-space characters (e.g. space, tab, line feed). Take care not to put spaces between the characters that make up a fraction or negative number, - 1234 / 5678 is not the same as -1234/5678 .

Bracmat can open and read a text file and execute the instructions as they are read. After the last instruction has been executed, the file is closed. For example, the program that produces the text you are reading just now, is read from a file named help and immediately executed.

The instruction for reading a file myprog and executing the instructions therein is get$myprog . The $ is a binary operator that initiates function evaluation. get is the function name of one of the few built-in functions.

The result of the last executed instruction in a file is written to the screen. For better control over screen output one may use the built-in function put , which writes from the current cursor position to the right, or the pre-defined (but changeable) function out , which writes an extra line feed after its argument has been written to the screen.

{?} put$(x*x);put$(y+y)

x^22*y{!} 2*y

Often you will need the result of the last evaluated instruction in the next instruction. You can use the exclamation mark ! instead of re-entering the result. Example:

{?} 1+1
{!} 2
{?} !^!^!^!
{!} 65536

When you write programs in the Bracmat language you will normally use an external text editor. You can enter small programs directly at the Bracmat prompt {?}, but a small change in an instruction can only be done by re- entering the whole instruction. You may save instructions that are still held in memory, by the built-in lst function. This function takes a number of optional parameters that tell the system whether the instruction has to be written in a compact and barely readable form, or in a more pretty form, with lots of indentations. Comments are never written, as they are ignored at input time. As an example, you can write the definition of the pre-defined factorisation function fct to a file factorise by entering the following instruction:

{?} lst$(fct,factorise,NEW) {NEW:replace old file with same name}
{!} fct

At first sight, a Bracmat program doesn't look like programs written in other languages. This may even become a permanent impression. So here are some recommendations about programming habits:



Oddly enough, Bracmat has no operators for subtraction and division. The reason is that these operations lack a very desirable property: associativity. Addition and multiplication are associative, because


is equivalent with


and can be written as


On the other hand, subtraction and division are not associative, as can be seen in this example


which is not equivalent with



   a-(b-c) = a-b+c


   (a-b)-c = a-b-c

So we see that an expression with binary minus operations and written without parentheses is a left descending tree: the topmost binary operator is the operator to the far right. And indeed, the first incarnation of Bracmat internally represented sums and products as left descending trees. However, we are used to see numerical factors to the left of non-numerical symbols. If sums and products are left-descending, adding 3*a*b*c+4*a*b*c becomes unnecessary expensive

   3*a*b*c+4*a*b*c = ((3*a)*b)*c+((4*a)*b)*c

The first expensive step is finding the numerical factors 3 and 4 , because they are several levels deep. The second expensive step is that in the result


all multiplication operators necessarily have to be new nodes, so to do this simple addition, 4 new nodes (one for the 7 and three for the multiplication operators) had to be created. Compare this with a right descending tree as the default internal representation for sums and products:

   3*a*b*c+4*a*b*c = 3*(a*(b*c))+4*(a*(b*c))

The numerical factors are very close to the root of the tree and therefore easy to find. Moreover, for the result


Bracmat only needs to create one node for the numerical factor 7 and one node for a single multiplication operator, because the subexpression


can be shared with the original expression.

Fortunately, subtraction and division are unnecessary operations if you have negative numbers and the operations of multiplication and exponentiation, because

   a - b

can be written as

   a + -1 * b


   a / b

can be written as

   a * b ^ -1

A completely unrelated limitation is that in Bracmat, calculations always have to be exact. Number expressions for which no rational representation exists are not further evaluated. Bracmat knows how to handle the special symbols i , e and pi , but it offers no numerical representation for e and pi . Examples:

{?} a+b+-1*a                 { this is how you subtract in Bracmat }
{!} b

{?} 1+(1+i)*(1+-1*i)+-1      { the leading and trailing terms force
                               Bracmat to expand the product }
{!} 2

{?} 12345/54321 ^ 1/2        { the square root of 12345/54321 }
{!} 5^1/2*19^-1/2*823^1/2*953^-1/2

{?} x^(a+x\L2*100)
{!} 1267650600228229401496703205376*x^a

{?} 5/2 \L 987654
{!} 15+5/2\L32363446272/30517578125

{?} y\D(x\D((x+y)^-2))
{!} 6*(x+y)^-4

Whereas Bracmat lacks floating point arithmetic, it can perform arithmetic operations with integer and rational numbers and happily adds and multiplies numbers with thousands of digits. Only available computer memory and address size impose a limit to the size of numerical operands, but before you decide to multiply two ten-million digit numbers you should realize that Bracmat is not optimised for number crunching on that scale.

Bracmat handles non-integer powers of positive rational numbers (square root, for example) provided that the number (if it is an integer) or the numerator and the denominator (if the number is a fraction) are less than 2^32 (or 2^64, if Bracmat is compiled for a 64 bit platform).

There is a pre-defined function, flt$, that represents rational numbers in a scientific floating point notation, but Bracmat cannot do calculations with these floating point numbers, unless you write a function to convert them back to rational numbers.


How Bracmat evolved

Bracmat originated from a Basic program that was meant (and able) to do some algebraic calculations in General Relativity. This program could do the mathematical operations that Bracmat can: add, multiply, take powers and logarithms and differentiate. This calculator was not programmable, all program flow had to be done in Basic. It became clear that the program could only solve the simplest algebraic problems. The reason for this was its inability to recognise complex patterns in the subject expressions. All pattern recognition had to be done in Basic and this was a very fault prone business. It would be nice to have an interpreter at hand that could interpret human readable production rules. That is exactly what Bracmat embodies. This program is written in ANSI-C and developed on the fastest home computer that existed at that time (Acorn Archimedes). Although Bracmat is much faster than its predecessor, its main virtue lies in its programmability and the advanced pattern matching. The speed at which it processed formulae was not impressive, so Bracmat always needed a fast machine. Fortunately computers have become faster and faster, and nowadays Bracmat performs at a speed that is quite acceptable, even in real time systems with users expecting immediate responses.

Compared with other algebra systems, Bracmat has few built-in functions and even its set of mathematical operators is small. There are no operators for subtraction and division, for example. Nevertheless, Bracmat is general and flexible enough to solve even problems outside the field of computer algebra in an elegant way. This flexibility on the programming level is traded off against the inability to change the behaviour of the interpreter itself. There are no switches (toggles) that could influence, for example, the order of terms within a polynomial, or whether or not complex products are expanded, or the way backtracking is done. This choice was, of course, easier to implement, but it also has benefits for the user: the working of Bracmat programs is not obscured by deep side effects of switch settings. The only side effects that Bracmat allows are expression binding and change of focus in a multiple valued variable (array indexing, stacking). A later addition is support of objects, i.e. data structures that allow for partial updates. This introduced another kind of side effect.

One peculiar thing about the original, object-less Bracmat is the way in which it manages data:

  1. Processes are not periodically interrupted for garbage collection.
  2. Each piece of data has a reference counter. If the reference counter equals zero, the occupied memory is returned to the memory pool at once. If the reference counter is about to overflow, a fresh copy of this piece of data is made with a reference counter set to one.
  3. Data is only created and destroyed. It is never changed.
  4. To the user, there is no difference between two expressions being equal, but stored in different parts of memory, and two expressions being two representations of the same parts of memory.
  5. There is no facility for named fields within a data structure.

Leaving one of these features out would have severe consequences for the other features. (2) explains why (1) is true. (3) ensures that (2) is workable: if two pieces of data are created equal they will remain so. This, in turn, explains why (4) is true. (5) almost follows from (3) : in any full fledged programming language, named fields allow all types of actions on the named parts of a data structure that are allowed on whole data structures, that is: creation and destruction. But the possibility to destroy only part of a data structure means that the data structure as a whole is changeable, which violates (3).

In the current version of Bracmat, with objects, the last restriction (5) no longer exists. As a consequence, restrictions (3) and (4) are not true for objects. (2) needs the additional remark that the reference counter for objects is made so big (counting to more than 1000000000000 before overflowing), that overflow is practically ruled out. Restriction (1) is still true, which means that the Bracmat programmer must take care of the deletion of some pathological structures (to be precise: circular structures, which were non-existent in the object-less Bracmat).

How can a programming language that is created for handling data structures do without named fields? If I only can create and destroy data, how can I let data evolve gradually, piecemeal? The answer lies in the well-developed pattern matching mechanism. Change of data is a two step process. In the first step you retrieve, by means of pattern matching, all those parts of the data that you want to keep. The second step is building the new data from the retrieved parts, together with new pieces. Creation of complex data structures from parts is straightforward in Bracmat. For example, the variable Row is a list of three words. We want to change the second word into the word cat :

{?} the dog runs:?Row     {initial creation}
{?} !Row:%?one % %?three  {step 1: retrieval of 1st and 3rd word}
{?} !one cat !three:?Row  {step 2: reconstruction}

This may seem complicated and cumbersome, but look at this:

{?} 123:?a                  {create three variables a,b and c}
{?} a sentence:?b
{?} (a.silly,data*structure):?c
{?} (!a.!b.!c):(?b.?c.?a)   {permutation of 3 values in just 1 "statement"}

Bracmat has no clear genealogy, but it has borrowed features from a number of programming languages. It is not declarative, like Prolog, nor deeply object oriented, like Smalltalk, but it is more or less procedural, like the majority of languages. Below, I have tried to make the origin of some details more explicit:

locally defined functions and routines
different notations for the same variable, depending on whether it produces or receives a value
Snobol, Icon

Every similarity to other computer algebra systems is a matter of evolutionary convergence.


Why the name "Bracmat"?

The name Bracmat stems from Ludvig Holbergs novel "Nicolai Klimii iter subterraneum", the history of Niels Klim who visits the planet Nazar and comments the habits of its inhabitants. For example, the people of the country Bracmat are clumsy juniper trees and Niels Klim initially thinks they must be more or less blind. But he discovers that their sight is so sharp that they can see the smallest details in the far distance and therefore don't see what is right in front of them. They are mostly occupied with astronomy and transcendental philosophy, but the state also uses them to do prospection for minerals in the mines.

It so happens that the Latin word "brachiatus", meaning "with arms" or "with branches", in litterature of botany often is shortened to "brachiat.". I like to think that Ludvig Holberg, who wrote the story in 1741, knew about the works of Carl Linnaeus (1707 - 1778) and was inspired by him to populate his planet with smart trees. The word "bracmat" is easily morphed into the word "brachiat.", and there is at least one case that can be found on the internet where the Optical Character Reader has misinterpreted "brachiat." as "bracmat", caused by a black speck that almost connects the "h" and the "i" in the word "brachiat."! Whether true or not, this derivation highlights one of the most prominent characteristics of the programming language Bracmat: it is all about tree branches.


How to obtain Bracmat

There are a few download options. You can get the last revision from

At you can follow the history of Bracmat from its inception somewhere in the eighties up to the last version. At this site you can also find compiled versions for some platforms.

Alternatively, you can obtain a copy of Bracmat by sending an e-mail to me (Bart Jongejan) at bart[AT] Please state your hardware/OS.


Where to find example code on the internet

At over 100 tasks are solved using Bracmat. The site is an excellent way to compare how the same task is solved in a great number of programming languages.


Pattern matching

The single most outstanding feature of Bracmat is how it can recognise patterns in data. The data can be an algebraic expression, a directory listing in table form, a thesaurus structured like a tree, a text or whatever data that can be expressed as a string of characters or as a tree of such strings. Bracmat's patterns are much more advanced than regular expressions. Regular expressions are fixed patterns once the matching operation is started. Bracmat implements not only propositional rules comparable to regular expressions, but also first order predicate rules, backtracking to search the space of combinations of data that make its predicates come true. In this way it is very easy to implement a relational database. But it doesn't stop here, because Bracmat supports recursive invocations of pattern matching and other operations.

Gentle introduction
Rewriting data using pattern matching
Non-linear patterns
Recursive patterns
Pattern matching in character strings
Pattern matching in tree structures


Gentle introduction to pattern matching

The following is an expression that tests whether a specific detail is present in a list of nodes, a sum in this case:

{?} 20+a+b+c:?+b+?  { Is there a term "b" in the sum (20+a+b+c) ?}
{!} 20+a+b+c
    S   0,00 sec

This is what happened. The match operator : has a left hand side which is the subject of the pattern, which is right hand side of the match operator. If the match operation is to succeed, the pattern must be similar to the subject. This is the case here, because the question marks are similar to anything (like the Joker in some card plays) and the "b" is similar to itself. By the way, when a pattern match operation succeeds, the resulting expression is the subject. The second example shows a pattern match operation that fails:

{?} 20+a+b+c:?+q+?  { Is there a term "q" in the sum (20+a+b+c) ?}

The "q" in the pattern is not similar to anything in the subject 20+a+b+c and thus the pattern match operation must fail.

The following examples are quite similar to the introductory example, merely replacing the + operator by the * and the blank operators:

{?} 20*a*b*c:?*b*?  { Is there a factor "b" in the product (20*a*b*c) ?}
{!} 20*a*b*c
    S   0,00 sec

{?} 20 a b c:? b ?  { Is there a word "b" in the sentence (20 a b c) ?}
{!} 20 a b c
    S   0,00 sec

In the following example, the pattern applies to the characters in the string, rather than to nodes in a list of terms, factors or words. The @ that is prefixed to the match expression, indicates to the match operator that this is not the normal match operation, but a string match operation.

{?} @(20abc:? b ?)  { Is there a character "b" in the string "20abc" ?}
{!} 20 a b c
    S   0,00 sec

The patterns in string match operations are similar to patterns in normal match operations that have sentences (words separated by blank operators) as the subject.

Pattern matching

Rewriting data using pattern matching

An important application of pattern matching is rewriting data by means of a number of rules. Each rule consists of a pattern and a replacement expression. Often, the pattern explicitly specifies only parts of the subject, so that the same rule will fire for a broad class of subjects, all having the specified parts of the rule in common. The remaining, unspecified, parts normally have to reappear unscathed in the output of the transformation rule. To catch these parts, patterns can contain any number of variables that bind to the parts of the rule that are not completely fixed.

Suppose we have the sentence My name is Ivan the terrible and we want to change Ivan to Wanja . The following instructions can do that:

{?} My name is Ivan the terrible:?begin Ivan ?end
{!} My name is Ivan the terrible
{?} !begin Wanja !end
{!} My name is Wanja the terrible

A question mark indicates that the symbol that it precedes is a variable that accepts (part of) the subject as value. An exclamation mark indicates that the following symbol is supposed to be a variable and that the value of that variable must replace the variable.

The pattern ?begin Ivan ?end and the replacement !begin Wanja !end are not sensitive to what the rest of the sentence looks like, so we can use the same pattern and replacement expression to transform another sentence:

{?} Ivan goes to school:?begin Ivan ?end
{!} Ivan goes to school
{?} !begin Wanja !end
{!} Wanja goes to school

To make a rewrite rule out of these two components, we can put them in a function that we can feed any sentence and that returns a transformed sentence, if the pattern matched the input. In addition, the function below simply returns the input if the pattern didn't match.

{?} ( ivanRule
    =   begin end
      .     !arg:?begin Ivan ?end
          & !begin Wanja !end
        | !arg
{!} ivanRule
{?} ivanRule$(She bought a bycicle for Ivan)
{!} She bought a bycicle for Wanja

Pattern matching

Non-linear patterns

Bracmat patterns not only can contain receiving variables (those that are preceded by a question mark), but also giving variables (those that are preceded by an exclamation mark). The same variable symbol can even occur in both roles: as receiving and as giving, in any order. If an occurrence of a variable is receiving and a later in the pattern giving, than the pattern is said to be non-linear. Such patterns can for example be used to find things that occur more than once in the subject. For example, find two inventions of the same age in a list of name/year pairs:

{?} (   (teabag.1904) (sonar.1906) (computer.1941) (triode.1906) (zeppelin.1900)
      : ? (?invention1.?year) ? (?invention2.!year) ?
    & !invention1 !invention2
{!} sonar triode

Pattern matching

Pattern matching with recursive patterns

Many real life problems can be solved by first solving a less complex problem. If needed, this process can be done again and again, until we end with a problem that we know how to solve. In such cases, Bracmat's ability to handle recursive patterns can be of much help.

Here is a rather academic example that defines a grammar with recursive patterns and that checks whether an input is valid, according to this grammar.

{?} S=(|0 !S|1 !T);T=(0 !T|1 !S); { Regular grammar }
{?} 0 1 0 1 0:!S { Check whether subject contains an even number of 1's. }
{!} 0 1 0 1 0
    S   0,00 sec

{?} P=(|0 ?x 1 & !x:!P); { context free grammar }
{?} 0 0 0 1 1 1:!P { Check whether subject consist of a row of 0's
                     followed by a row of 1's of the same length. }
{!} 0 0 0 1 1 1
    S   0,00 sec

The following example could be the basis for a yourney planner. We use a recursive pattern to find out whether two continents are connected over land.

{?} connected=("South America"."North America") (Africa.Asia) (Asia.Europe);
{?} (reachable = a b f
    .     !arg:(?a.?b.?f)
        & !f:? ((!a.!b)|(!b.!a)) ?
      |   !f:?A ((!a.?c)|(?c.!a)) ?Z
        & reachable$(!c.!b.!A !Z)
    ); {Remove used fact from fact base.}
{?} (   Antarctic Europe Australia Africa Asia "North America" "South America"
    :   ?
        %@?x  {Pick a continent.}
        ( %@?y {Pick another continent}
        & reachable$(!x.!y.!connected) {Are they reachable?}
        & out$(!x "is reachable from" !y)
        & ~  {Force backtracking to collect all answers.}
    );    { pattern using second order logic }

   Europe is reachable from Africa
   Europe is reachable from Asia
   Africa is reachable from Asia
   North America is reachable from South America

Pattern matching

Pattern matching in strings

@(string : pattern)

Match string with pattern

Pattern matching in a string of characters (a single atom) is like pattern matching in a string of atoms. Use the @ to instruct the program to look inside the atom and use space operators to combine subpatterns. The space operator does not itself match any characters. To match a space in an atom, use a space in an atom!

You cannot negate the result of string pattern matching by adding the ~ prefix.

{?} a b:(~@(? b:a %)) {succeeds, ~@ means:'not an atom'}
{!} a b

{?} ~@(a b:a ?)       {succeeds, ~@ means: 'not a string match'}
{!} a b

{?} @(a b:a ?)        {illegal, lhs of string match operator must be atomic}
    (Bracmat exits)

{?} ~@(a:b)           {fails, pattern matching}

{?} @(a:b)            {fails, string pattern matching}

{?} 12/34:@(?x:#?a (~#%@:?y) #?b) {succeeds, ?x matches the atom 12/34,
                       while #?a (~#%@:?y) #?b matches 12/34 as a string.}
{!} 12/34
{?} !a
{!} 12
{?} !b
{!} 34

{?} 12:~/@(?x:#%?a #%?b) {succeeds, ~ negates /, not @, so we have a string
{!} 12
{?} !x
{!} 12
{?} !a
{!} 1
{?} !b
{!} 2

Pattern matching

=.,|&: +*^\L\D'$_

Binary operators

Matching a number in a string

Binary operators in pattern matching

Matching a number in a string

In a string match, the % can be used to force characterwise matching if the subject is a number and the pattern otherwise would have been treated as a number. You have to take care with minuses: the patterns %"-20/5" and %-20/5 are different. In %"-20/5", the % is superfluous and the pattern matches characterwise. In %-20/5, the pattern matches 20/5 and the minus is ignored!

{?} @(abcd40/10efgh:?a    20/5  ?z)    {succeeds, because 4 = 20/5 = 4}
{!} abcd40/10efgh
    S   0,00 sec
{?} !a !z
{!} abcd 0/10efgh
    S   0,00 sec

{?} @(abcd52/13efgh:?a    20/5  ?z)    {succeeds, because 52/13 = 20/5 = 4}
{!} abcd52/13efgh
    S   0,00 sec
{?} !a !z
{!} abcd efgh
    S   0,00 sec

{?} @(abcd40/10efgh:?a   %20/5  ?z)    {fails}

{?} @(abcd-20/5efgh:?a %"-20/5" ?z)    {succeeds}
{!} abcd-20/5efgh
    S   0,00 sec
{?} !a !z
{!} abcd efgh
    S   0,00 sec

{?} @(abcd-20/5efgh:?a  %-20/5  ?z)    {succeeds, a = abcd-}
{!} abcd-20/5efgh
    S   0,00 sec
{?} !a !z
{!} abcd- efgh
    S   0,00 sec

{?} @(abcd-20/5efgh:?a   -20/5  ?z)    {succeeds, a = abcd }
{!} abcd-20/5efgh
    S   0,00 sec
{?} !a !z
{!} abcd efgh
    S   0,00 sec

Pattern matching

=.,|&: +*^\L\D'$_

Binary operators

Pattern matching in strings

Escaping operator in patterns

Binary operators in pattern matching

subject : pattern

Match subject with pattern

A match succeeds if subject succeeds and pattern is successfully matched with subject. The returned value is the left operand, subject.

Patterns may be built up from sub-patterns and may also include actions that are triggered if a sub-pattern successfully matches (part of) the subject.

As with the evaluation of other binary operators, the left operand of the : operator is evaluated first. The other operand, pattern, is not evaluated, but in the process of pattern matching (parts of) pattern may be evaluated several times. This is the case with function calls, atoms with a ! prefix and all right hand sides of the & operator. The use of the involved binary operators ($ ' &) and prefixes ( ! !! ) as "meta operators" does not restrict the range of matchable expressions in a serious way, as these operators and prefixes normally do not occur in evaluated subject expressions. The same is true for some other operators (: | _ and =). These operators, too, have a special meaning within patterns. All other binary operators occurring in a pattern are searched for in the subject expression as part of the pattern matching.

Especially the & | and : operators are helpful in formulating complex patterns with alternatives, conjunctions and side effects in the form of actions. In the following examples, !s stands for the subject expression, the expressions in parentheses are patterns and !p , !pa , !pb , etc. are sub-patterns therein. !a , !aa , etc. stands for an action (a part of the pattern that is conditionally evaluated).


If !p matches successfully with !s, then !a is evaluated. If !a fails, the whole match fails. In more complex patterns, only part of the match might fail, resulting in backtracking and retry.


If pattern !pa does not match with subject !s, then !pb is tried.


If pattern !pa matches with !s, then pattern !pb is also tried.

The next example combines these operators in a grammar-like expression:

!s:( !pa         & !A    { If either !pa, or !pb or both of !pc1 and !pc2 }
   | !pb         & !B    { fire, actions !A, !B and !C, respectively  }
   | (!pc1:!pc2) & !C    { are triggered.                                 }

Take care for the grouping of the : & and | operators :

(!s:!pa):!pb and !s:(!pa:!pb) have, incidentally, the same effect, but the following expressions are very different :

(!s:!p)&!e or !s:!p&!e
If !s matches with !p , !e is returned.
If !s matches with !p , !a is evaluated, but the expression as a whole returns !s.
(!s:!p)|!e or !s:!p|!e
If !s matches with !p , !s is returned. Otherwise, !e is returned.
If !s matches with either !pa or !pb (in that order), !s is returned.

The possibility that !s might fail further complicates the above examples.

Pattern matching

=.,|&: +*^\L\D'$_

Binary operators

Programming advice

Escaping operator in patterns

Pattern matching in strings

Prefixes and pattern matching

Program flow

Assignment to variables

Escaping operator in patterns

Some operators can not be part of a pattern unless 'escaped', because these operators play an active role in pattern matching instead of being passive part of a pattern. These operators are = | & : ' $ _

The normal role of these operators is ignored by the pattern matching evaluator if they are escaped with a $ node with an empty lhs.

{?} (=foo'bar):(=$(foo'bar))
{!} =foo'bar

{?} (=foo'bar):(=$(?f'?x)) & !f !x
{!} foo bar

The escape operator only affects the top node of the escape operator's rhs. The lhs and rhs of the affected node are matched against the subject in the normal way.

{?} vowel=.!sjt:(a|e|i|o|u|y)      { Function to be used in a pattern to check
                                     that the subject is a single vowel. }

{?} (=a$123):(=$((vowel')$(#:?n))) { Only the $ between ) and ( is escaped,
                                     because that is the top node of
                                     So the pattern expressions vowel' and #:?n
                                     are evaluated as normal. }
{!} =a$123

{?} !n
{!} 123                            { This proves that the rhs of the top $
                                     was evaluated. }

{?} (=b$456):(=$((vowel')$(#:?m))) { This fails, proving that the pattern
                                     expression vowel' doesn't recognise
                                     the b in the subject as a vowel.
                                     No assignment to variable ?m takes
                                     place. }

{?} (=(vowel')$456) : (=$(($(vowel'))$(#:?m)))    { This succeeds, because
                                     the ' in the pattern expression $(vowel')
                                     is escaped. So the pattern $(vowel')
                                     matches the subject vowel' }
{!} =(vowel')$456

{?} !m
{!} 456

The escape operator functions with all Bracmat operators, but the operators . , whitespace, + * ^ \L and \D should not be escaped normally.

Pattern matching

=.,|&: +*^\L\D'$_

Binary operators

Programming advice


Binary operators in pattern matching

function evaluation

Matching a number in a string

Prefixes and pattern matching

Program transformation

The grammar of Bracmat

Note: in long lists the vertical bar | is left out.

<input>           ::= [<expression>] [;<input>]
<expression>      ::=   <white space> <expression> <white space>
                     | [<prefixes>] ( <expression> )
                     | <leaf>
                     | <expression> <binop> <expression>

<leaf>            ::= [<prefixes>] <atom-or-nil>
<atom-or-nil>     ::= <atom> | <nil>
<atom>            ::= "<string>" | <string>
<string>          ::= <character> [<string>]
<character>       ::= any printable character except \ and " | <spec>
<spec>            ::= \a \b \t \n \v \f \r \" \\
<nil>             ::= ""   (or nothing at all, such as in "()")
<binop>           ::= = . , | & : <white space> + * ^ \L \D ' $ _
<prefixes>        ::= <prefix> [<prefixes>]
<prefix>          ::= [ ~ / # < > % @ ` ? ! !!
<white space>     ::= spaces, tabs, new line and form feed characters

White space (operator/cosmetic measure) almost never leads to confusion. It does in (some) cases where a nil leaf without prefixes is adjacent to the white space operator. For example : get' out$now . Bracmat interprets this as : get'(out$now) . "" or () fixes the problem : get'() out$now . Quotation marks are not part of the string they surround. They should be used if necessary, e.g. in this case or he{this is not a comment}re . Comments can be written everywhere, except in the middle of a string in Quotation marks. Comments are enclosed in {} and may be nested.


Binary operators

binary operators - overview
algebraic operations
program flow
pattern matching
data structures
functions and macros
the dummy operator


=.,|&: +*^\L\D'$_

These are the 15 binary Bracmat operators. The higher in the list, the lower in the order of operations. Use parentheses to overrule the ordering of precedence and force an operator to a higher position in the order of operations, as in:

{?} (a+b)*(a+c)+a^(-1*d^2+(d+1)*(d+-1))
{!} a^-1+a^2+a*b+a*c+b*c

assignment: (x=7) (square=.!arg^2)
object member definition: (myobject=(place=Copenhagen) (setPlace=.!arg:?(
fixed data structure: (Palme.Olof.Sweden)
object member referencing: (myhash..insert)$(xxx.998743)
list with autostretch: (ham,(bread,butter),jam):(ham,bread,butter,jam)
or else: get$myfile | out$"Cannot read myfile"
and then: out$"alomost done" & Done
match subject with pattern: Meeting at 4 in room 24:? ?#hour ? ?#room ?
sentence, neutral element Oh well this can go on and on:?a Oh ?z & !a:
add, neutral term 0: (a+6+b+a+10) , (a+b:?x+a+?y & !x:0)
multiply, neutral factor 1: (46546*647547564) , (a*b:?x*a*?y & !x:1)
raise to a power, neutral exponent 1: (9975^332) , (45:?n^?exp & !exp:1)
take logarithm: 10\L1050
differentiate: x\D(x^10)
function evaluation (does not evaluate rhs): str'(b+a):"b+a"
macro: ()'(my name is ()$name)
function evaluation (evaluates rhs): str$(b+a):"a+b"
variable in macro: ()'(my name is ()$name)
dummy: !expr:?lhs_?rhs & (do$!lhs)_(do$!rhs)

Binary operators

The = operator

This operator assures that the right hand operator stays unevaluated. It is mainly used in the definition of pieces of code (e.g. functions). The code on the right is bound to the name on the left.


Each time when the value of atom is asked for, a fresh copy of expression is made available. expression itself is unchangeable and can only be wiped out by removing the binding between expression and its name, atom. This has, in turn, no influence on the copies made earlier.

{?} a=2    { create binding }
{!} a
{?} !a:?b  { bind copy to b }
{!} 2
{?} !b     { show b's value }
{!} 2
{?} a=3    { remove a's binding to 2}
{!} a
{?} !b     { show b's value }
{!} 2

There is a second way of using the = operator, with a slightly different syntax :


The = operator serves as a shock proof container for expression. The effect of evaluating this type of expression is almost the same as that of the macro instruction ()'expression . Indeed, after evaluating a macro instruction we have an expression with the nil=expression syntax.

{?} out$(b+a)
{?} out$(=b+a)
{?} out$('(b+a))
{?} c=3
{?} out$(=b+a+$c)
{?} out$('(b+a+$c))

=.,|&: +*^\L\D'$_



variable \D expr

Bracmat knows how to differentiate expressions in which no other binary operators occur but + * ^ and \L. Example:

{?} y\Dx\D(a^(x^2+y^2))
{!} 4*a^(x^2+y^2)*x*y*e\La^2
{?} y\Dr
{!} 0

The last example gives zero, which in many applications isn't what we want. Often, with y we express the y-component of a vector with length r, and r consequently is a function of y (and the other components). We can solve this as follows:

{?} dep=(r.x) (r.y) (r.z) {'dep' is a special variable}
{?} y\Dr
{!} y\Dr

Now the expression is just left unevaluated. Later, you can substitute an expression for r in terms of its components

{?} y\D(r^-1):?derivative
{!} -1*r^-2*y\Dr
{?} sub$(!derivative.r.(x^2+y^2+z^2)^1/2):?derivative
{!} -1*y*(x^2+y^2+z^2)^-3/2

And, if you like, you can simplify the result by putting r back in:

{?} sub$(!derivative.x^2+y^2+z^2.r^2):?derivative
{!} -1*r^-3*y

=.,|&: +*^\L\D'$_

Algebraic operations

Assignment to variables

There are two forms of assignment to a variable:

variable = expression
expression is not evaluated before assignment to variable.
expression : ?variable
expression is evaluated before assignment takes place.

The = operator is used to bind (still) unevaluated expressions such as patterns and functions to variables.

Assignment with the : makes use of pattern matching with a universally unifying pattern. This way of assignment is very powerful and can even be used to assign unevaluated expressions, by preceding the subject with an = or an ' operator. Example: define Lisp's car-function, first using = and then using : to bind the function definition to the variable car .

{?} car=.!arg:(?%arg ?)&!arg          { one may freely reuse arg ! }
{?} (=(.!arg:(?%arg ?)&!arg)):(=?car) { another way to define car }
{?} car$(one two three)
{?} (four five six):(?`%first ?rem) {`: 0 of 1, %: 1 or more, together 1}
{?} The first element is !first and the remainder is !rem.

=.,|&: +*^\L\D'$_

Binary operators


Binary operators in pattern matching

Binary operators in program flow

exprA & exprB
(exprA and then exprB) exprB is only evaluated if exprA succeeds,
exprA | exprB

In both cases exprA is always evaluated and exprB conditionally. If exprB is to be evaluated, exprA and the & or | operator have served their purpose. Therefore, they are eliminated before exprB is evaluated. In this way, the program stack doesn't grow indefinitely when recursive calls are made from the right hand side of any & or | operator occurring in an expression . Even a conventional sequence of instructions (where the success or failure of the evaluations of each instruction do not matter) can make use of this tail recursion optimisation. In that case one uses the pacifier (short cut prefix) ` .

(`!a & !b)     !b is always evaluated. (sequence)
(`!a | !b)     !b is not evaluated. (useless in this form)

The pacifier or shortcut prefix is inherited by higher levels, it percolates towards operators that are closer to the root of the tree, until it is subsumed in situations like the above ones.

=.,|&: +*^\L\D'$_

Binary operators

Program flow

Some often used control structures

Algebraic operations

term + term
factor * factor
base ^ exponent
base \L expr
variable \D expr

Subtraction and division are treated as special forms of addition and multiplication. Therefore there are no binary operators for subtraction and division. (The minus sign - and the slash / can be used in numbers, however.)

If one operand of an algebraic operator is evaluated then the other one is normally evaluated as well, even if this may seem unnecessary (multiplication by 0). This is done to ensure that all side effects take place as intended. However, if an operand fails to evaluate then the algebraic expression fails too and if the failing operand is the left hand side of the expression, then the right hand side is not evaluated. In this sense algebraic operators behave like the logical & operator.

Bracmat gives the user practically NO control over the format of evaluated algebraic expressions, such as the order of terms or factors. Bracmat tries to present algebraic objects in a unique (canonical) form. This is in many cases an unattainable goal : the forms




are both stable expressions. On the other hand,




Bracmat keeps completely factorised expressions as they are, because factorization is an expensive operation. For the same reason, Bracmat does not automatically factorise factorisable expressions. Another domain of duality are expressions with logarithms.

Sums and products start with rational numbers, followed by pi , i and e (if present, that is). Then follow other terms and factors. It is recommended not to assume anything about the ordering of these terms and factors, as this may change in later versions of the program.

=.,|&: +*^\L\D'$_

Binary operators


function evaluation

The binary operators $ and ' are similar in most respects. In general, the left operand evaluates to the name of a built-in or defined function, whereas the right operand is an expression that is passed as an argument to the function. The $ evaluates the right operand before it is passed over, the ' doesn't. Parameter passing is by value, although the implementation postpones and limits copying of data as much as possible. In the code of the called function, the passed argument is bound to a local variable that is always called arg.

Most often, the left operand of the $ and the ' operator evaluates to an alfanumeric name. There are a few special function names:

Function calls are even effective in patterns, as it is fair to assume that the $ and ' operators seldom occur in subjects and so need not to be matched (the same is, a fortiori, true for the & and | operators). In patterns, the return value of a function is part of the pattern. A function may be called several times during one evaluation of a matching expression, due to backtracking and retrying.

=.,|&: +*^\L\D'$_

Binary operators


macro evaluation

Escaping operator in patterns

The nameless functions $expression and 'expression

macro evaluation

The ' operator with empty lhs is the macro evaluator. The macro evaluator returns the rhs unchanged, except where the $ operator (also with empty lhs) occurs. The expressions headed by such $ operators are replaced as follows:


If the rhs is the $ operator with empty lhs, the macro evaluator replaces the expression with the rhs of the heading $, and macro-evaluates the rhs of the result.

{?} '(one dollar ($($)))
{!} =one dollar ()$
{?} '(two dollars ($($($($)))))
{!} =two dollars ()$($)


If the rhs is headed by the _ operator, the expression is replaced by the rhs, where the dummy operator is evaluated to its current value.

{?} (=a^b):(=?_?) & '(dummy (a_b) power ($(a_b)))
{!} =dummy a_b power a^b

In all other cases the rhs is evaluated to a variable name, a member name or a definition. The expression is thereafter replaced by the value of the variable, the member of the definition. More examples:

{?} '(b+a c)
{!} =b+a c
{?} (x=value) & '(a ($x) z)
{!} =a value z
{?} (object=(member=value)) & '(a ($(object.member)) z)
{!} =a value z
{?} '(a ($(=value)) z)
{!} =a value z

=.,|&: +*^\L\D'$_

Binary operators


function evaluation

The nameless functions $expression and 'expression

Program transformation

Program transformation

Bracmat code is data. Yet it is easier to transform the internal representation of JSON or XML data than to transform a Bracmat program. The reason is that for code introspection it is necessary to turn off the expression evaluation that normally takes place in patterns. This can be achieved by using macros. Here is an example that reverses ( rev$ ) and lowercases ( low$ ) all leaves, but keeps everything else the same: prefixes, operators - even those that play special roles inside patterns, such as the ! prefix and the _ operator.

{?} ( tr
    =   a b f
      .   flg$!arg:(=?f.?arg)
        &   glf
          $ (
            ' ( $f
                $ (   '$arg:(=?a_?b)
                    & '$($(tr$('$a)))_($(tr$('$b)))
                  | low$rev$!arg:?arg&arg
{?} tr$(=foo\L"STRing" ~!(sin$4/56) !and_?<UNDERSCORE)
{!} (=oof\Lgnirts ~!(nis$65/4) !dna_<?erocsrednu)

=.,|&: +*^\L\D'$_

Binary operators


macro evaluation

Escaping operator in patterns

The dummy operator _

Bracmat has only one variable that binds to a binary operator, the _ operator. Worse even, this variable is global. Nevertheless this variable is most useful in definitions of certain types of recursive functions (tree walkers).

The assignment of a new value to the _ variable can only take place in a match operation. A _ in a pattern is always receiving, whereas a _ outside a pattern is either giving or left unchanged. Try this :

{?} a_b             { This has unpredictable results. }
{?} x^y:?_? & a_b   { _ gets bound to ^. Thus a_b evaluates to a^b }

A _ is evaluated by the expression evaluator, but also by the macro evaluator. The latter is useful if the _ has matched an operator that is very volatile, such as & and | .

{?} (=!a:!b&!c):(=?left_?right) {match the &}
{?} '_
{!} =&              { It worked, the _ is replaced by a &. }
{?} get$(str$('$_),MEM,VAP):"=" ?op & !op { freeze and slice }
{!} &               { The operator is immobilised in a string. }

The _ variable is always expanded BEFORE the left and right hand side operands are evaluated. That explains why new assignments in the operands do not result in unwanted side effects in the upper node with the _.

=.,|&: +*^\L\D'$_

Binary operators

Recursion and the _ operator

Recursion and the _ operator

In Bracmat functions are allowed to call themselves. Often this happens if a the function's argument is split into a left subtree and a right subtree and the function is called with each subtree in turn as its argument. If the operator in between the subtrees is unknown, it is time consuming to try all patterns ?+? ?*? ?$? ?'? etc. The _ operator circumvents this problem. It is a dummy operator that matches any other operator and expands to the operator with which it matched last time. Thereby preceding matches are forgotten : the _ operator is a global variable.

{?} ( reverse
    =   l,r
      .     (!arg:?l_?r)              { If arg is a compound expression ...}
          & (reverse$!r)_(reverse$!l) { ... swap the reversed operands. }
        | !arg                        { Let atoms as they are. }
{?} reverse$(Bill loves sweet Nancy. This is true)

=.,|&: +*^\L\D'$_

Binary operators


The dummy operator _

Definition of a function

Some often used control structures

Here are the nearest equivalents of some traditional control structures.


a; b;

   !a !b


FOR i := m TO n DO b;


v := IF a THEN b ELSE c;
(!a&`!b|`!c):?v (works even if !c fails)
SELECT a WHEN c1 : b1 WHEN c2 : b2 OTHERWISE bx;


CALL b(x,y,z);
v := b(x,y,z);

Binary operators

Programming advice

Binary operators in program flow

Program flow

The nameless functions $expression and 'expression

Sometimes a variable predictably will evaluate to the same value repeatedly, for example in an inner loop or a pattern that repeatedly backtracks. In such situations macro substitution can improve performance by replacing the variable by its value in an early stage.

In Bracmat, a macro has the general form 'expression . When 'expression is evaluated, expression is searched for sub-expressions headed by the operator $, with empty lhs. Such sub-expressions are replaced, depending on what is found on the rhs of the $ operator.

After macro substitution has taken place, what remains is an expression of the form =expression. The = operator is a safeguard against evaluation of expression.

Macro substitution makes it possible to dynamically create unevaluated code and bind it to a variable.

{?} '($out):?my-fun-var
{?} !my-fun-var$(Hello world)
{?} '($out):(=?my-fun-alias)
{?} my-fun-alias$(Hello world)

Pattern matching can sometimes be made more efficient by using macro substitution, but the resulting code is harder to understand:

{?} ( 0:?count
    &   41 3 5 7 6 23 12 11 19
      :   ?
          ( %?`B                            {Each number pair [A,B] ... }
          & !A+!B:?C                        {is added only once, giving C. }
          &   '(? ()$(!count+1:?count&C) ?)
            : (=?rem)                       {C's value is hard-coded into rem}
          !rem                              {which is the remaining pattern. }
    & out$(after !count "trials:" !A "+" !B "=" !C )

after 16 trials: 5 + 7 = 12

In the same way, function code can be pieced together before it is ever executed.

{?} power=three
{?} ((!power : two & (=!arg^2)) | (=!arg^3)) : (=?abc)      {If power="two",
    abc is bound to !arg^2 (unevaluated). Otherwise, abc is bound to !arg^3.}
{?} '(.!arg + -1*$abc + 2) : (=?poly) {"poly" is the name of a new function
    that will return a value that depends on the current value of arg
    and on the value of power at the time when abc got its binding.}
{?} lst$poly { show poly's definition }
{?} poly$4
{!} -58

The macro construct 'expr is useful if an expression has to be executed many times while parts of it remain constant, for example in nested loops:

Without macro construct (5 X 5 multiplication table) :

{?} 0 : ?m                    { initialise counter of outer loop }
{?} (outer = 1+!m : <6 : ?m   { code for outer loop : }
            & put$\n          { start output on new line }
            & 0 : ?n          { initialise counter of inner loop }
            & `!inner         { execute inner loop }
            & !outer)         { loop }
{?} (inner = 1+!n : <6 : ?n   { code for inner loop : }
           & put$(!m X !n "=" !m*!n ", ")
                              { the same !m is expanded 10 times }
           & !inner)          { loop }
{?} !outer

With macro construct :

{?} 0:?m
{?} (outer = 1+!m : <6 : ?m
            & '( 1+!n : <6 : ?n
               & put$($m X !n "=" ()$m*!n ",")
                              { !m is expanded only 2 times }
               & !inner
               ) : (=?inner)  { at each pass through the outer loop
                                the inner loop "inner" is defined anew }
            & put$\n
            & 0 : ?n
            & `!inner
            & !outer)
{?} !outer

Binary operators


function evaluation

macro evaluation


With the = and . operators you can construct and dereference conventional data structures and even objects with methods. In an expression, each subexpression with a = operator in the top node and an atom in the lhs of the top node indicates a field or object method that can be accessed and changed independently of other fields and methods, i.e. without the need to dissect and reassemble the whole expression. Such expressions are objects. An object member (a field or method) is addressed by using the lhs of the = operator as the member's name, preceded by the objects name. The name of the object and the name of the member must be separated by a dot operator.

In the example below an object named John is created with the members length , age and name . The name member has two sub-members first and family :

{?} John = (length = 180),(age = 30),(name = (first=John) (family=Bull))

There is no prescribed way in which the members should be glued together to form an object. Here, the comma operator and blank operator are used, but any operator but the = operator can be used to separate field names. John's length can be changed to 185 in the following ways:

{?} John.length = 185


{?} 185 : ?(John.length)

The same object can be assigned to another variable, creating an alias, but we have to take care not to evaluate John , because that would create or overwrite the variables length , age and name ):

{?} !John:?alias {Wrong, (alias=length,age,name);}

{?} '$John : (=?alias) {Right,  (alias=
                                , (age=30)
                                , (name=(first=John) (family=Bull)));}

Bracmat replaces the expression '$John by the value of John, protected against evaluation by a = operator. For that reason, the pattern on the rhs of the match operator : contains a = operator as well. Now we can change John's age by operating on the variable alias :

{?} alias.age = 31

To see that the above expression indeed has the wanted (side-)effect, we can inspect John :

{?} lst$John
 , (age=30)
 , (name=(first=John) (family=Bull)));

Alternatively, we can also just show the field age in John :

{?} !(John.age)
{!} 31

It is also possible to create an alias for a sub-object. Taking the previous example, we could create an alias for the name member:

{?} '$(

Now assign a new family name:

{?} Flinter:?(
{?} lst$John
 , (age=30)
 , (name=(first=John) (family=Flinter)));

Using an alias for a sub-object can save some code and processing time if the sub-object is accessed many times. Without the alias for John's name, we can change his family name in this way:

{?} Flinter:?(

It is valid to have an empty name for a member:

{?} x=(header=blabla) (=(a=1) (b=2))

Here, a and b are fields in a nameless sub-object of x . We can ask for the value of b :

{?} !(x..b)
{!} 2

To retrieve the whole sub-object:

{?} '$(x.):(=?sub-object)
{?} lst$sub-object
 (a=1) (b=2));

An alias can also be created for part of an object:

{?} x=(a=) (b=) (c=) (d=)
{?} '$x:(=(a=) ?alias (d=))

Now alias only shares the members x.b and x.c with x . The same result follows from

{?} '$x:(=? ((b=) (c=):?alias) ?)

Objects can be composed to form new objects containing the union of the members of the contributing objects:

{?} x=(a=) (b=)
{?} '((p=) ($x) (q=)):(=?r)

Evaluation of an expression that contains = operators can have unexpected side effects, as the following example shows.

First suppose that x (containing one record with one anonymous field) is unevaluated (case A) and assigned to two other variables:

{?} x=(=)
{?} !x:?y
{?} !x:?z

In this case, x , y and z are different objects. For example does

{?} 2:?(y.)

not affect x and z . Do the assignment again, but this time evaluating x only once:

{?} !x:?y:?z

Now y and z are the same object, but still different from x . A change made to y affects z but does not affect x .

Suppose that x IS evaluated (case B):

{?} (=):?x
{?} !x:?y
{?} !x:?z

Now x , y and z are the same object.

Explanation: in (A) the value of x is not evaluated, especially the lhs of the = operator. Therefore, a new = node is created each time x is evaluated. In (B), the value of x IS evaluated, so no new copies of the = node are made.

=.,|&: +*^\L\D'$_

Programming advice


The = operator

Construction of data structures

Assignment to variables

Construction of data structures

In Bracmat linear lists can be made by separating the elements with comma, plus sign, asterisk, space and dot. The first four operators create linear structures (right descending lists), moving nodes as necessary, whereas the dot operator creates any tree structure. In addition, the plus sign and the asterisk (times) do not preserve the order of the elements if they are not canonical order. Which operator one should use in a given situation depends on the following considerations:

Examples :

{?} x=a.b.c
{?} y=p.q
{?} !x.!y
{!} (a.b.c).p.q
{?} x=a b c
{?} y=p q
{?} !x !y
{!} a b c p q
{?} set=jan+piet+klaas
{?} !set
{!} jan+klaas+piet
{?} !set+klaas
{!} jan+2*klaas+piet

{?} rotate=car,cdr.!arg:(?car,?cdr) & (!cdr,!car)
{?} rotate$(one,two,three,four)
{?} rotate$((one,two),(three,four))

By combining dots, commas and spaces, one may build any tree-like data structure that, thanks to the backtracking mechanism on space-separated lists, make the formulation of queries (goals) almost as easy as in Prolog. This is an example of a simple database, in which each row starts with a descriptor field, followed by a varying number of similar fields.

{?} M=( (odd  ,1 3 5 7 9)
        (even ,0 2 4 6 8)
        (prime,2 3 5 7)

We choose the space operator to form the backbone of the lists of numbers, because we want to access these numbers associatively, by using the back- tracking mechanism.

Let us formulate a query that searches for all numbers that occur in two or more categories (odd, even, prime). The findings are to be printed to the screen.

{?} ( !M
    :   ?                                   { skip 0 or more rows ---               }
        (?c1,?row)                          { ---fetch (number type, number row)--- }
        ?                                   { ---skip 0 or more rows ---            }
        ( ?c2                               { ---fetch another number type,...      }
        ,   ?                               { ...skip 0 or more numbers...          }
            ( %?`el                         { ...fetch a number...                  }
            & !row:? !el ?                  { does number occur in earlier row ?    }
            & out$(!el is both !c1 and !c2) { yes?  show result                     }
            & ~                             { not satisfied yet: fail and backtrack }
            ?                               { ...skip rest of numbers---            }
        ?                                   { ---skip rest of rows                  }

This prints

   3 is both odd and prime
   5 is both odd and prime
   7 is both odd and prime
   2 is both even and prime

and finally fails when backtracking (induced by the ~) has found all answers to the query.

Experimentation with the implementation of matrices in Bracmat has learned that lists (of lists (of lists..)) lead to smaller and faster programs than arrays, artificially made multidimensional by playing with the index. A drawback of the list approach is its unconventionality. Much time has to be spend in reformulating existing algorithms based on indices. On the other hand, the list approach is essentially insensitive to the dimensionality of the matrix at hand, and may even be indifferent to the number of indices.

=.,|&: +*^\L\D'$_

Binary operators

Programming advice



Program flow

Most binary operators are used in expressions that flow on their own or flow not at all. In the first group are the arithmetic operators, in the second is the dot operator. In between are the two other structuring operators, comma and white space.

Branching to a function is done with the $ and ' operators :

a$b (or a'b ) evaluate function a with argument b

Branching without argument passing and local variables is done with the unary operator (prefix) ! but often this prefix and its cousin !! are used for the purpose of variable expansion, it just depends on whether a variable is bound to an unevaluated or to an evaluated expression :

do subroutine X
expand X
expand expansion of Y (two !'s is the maximum)

Conditional evaluation is decided by the success or failure of subexpressions. Every (sub)expression has two kinds of value: a visible value and a success(S)/failure(F)/ignore(I) value. Success and failure are primarily decided by the low level functions in the interpreter. The ignore value is generated if a failing expression is back-quoted. The & and | operators are sensitive to the S/F/I value of the left operand (where I counts as S). Often this left operand is a matching expression.

!a & !b
if !a succeeds do !b
!a | !b
if !a fails do !b
!subject : !pattern
try to prove that !pattern describes !subject

The back quote ` can be used to overrule the failure of a subexpression. The tilde ~ negates failure and success.

`!p & !q
do !p and then do !q
!a:!p & `!b | !c
if !a matches !p do !b else do !c
succeeds if !a fails and fails if !a succeeds

=.,|&: +*^\L\D'$_

Programming advice

Binary operators in program flow

Binary operators in pattern matching

Some often used control structures


program flow
pattern matching
prefixes combined with expressions
unary operators


Prefixes and program flow

Unlike other programming languages, Bracmat does not return the value of a variable or object member if we type its name. In Bracmat, variables and object members have to be told explicitly that we want their value, not their name. This is achieved with the ! and the !! prefixes in front of the variable name or object member name.

is replaced by the binding of atom
is replaced by the binding of the binding (after evaluation) of atom

Likewise !(object name.member name) is replaced by the binding of object name.member name

Bindings can be evaluated or unevaluated. In the last case, the next step after expansion is the evaluation of the binding, unless expansion took place within a pattern.

{?} 2+3:?four     { bind 5 to "four" }
{?} !four         { evaluation has already taken place when four is expanded }

{?} 5=2+!four     { numbers are legal names. 5 is bound to 2 + !four}
{?} !5            { evaluation takes place immediately after expansion }

{?} sum=%+%       { define pattern "sum" }
{?} a+b+c:!sum    { is a+b+c a sum? After expansion, %+% is not evaluated }

The !! prefix is not used as often as the single !, but comes in handy if you want to pass a variable by name instead of by value.

{?} (check=one,two,criterion
      .     !arg:(?one,?criterion,?two)
          & !!criterion
          & TRUE
        | FALSE
{?} is-greater-than = !one:>!two
{?} is-divisor-of = (div$(!two,!one)*!one):!two
{?} check$(3,is-greater-than,15)  { pass by name }
{?} check$(3,is-divisor-of,15)

Passing by name is used here to postpone the evaluation of the second argument until it has arrived in the function check and the local variables one and two have been bound to the first and the third arguments, respectively.

Postponement of evaluation can also be achieved with the = and the ' operators.

{?} (chack=one,two,criterion
      .    !arg:(?one,(=?criterion),?two)
         & !criterion
         & TRUE
       | FALSE
{?} is-greater-than == !one:>!two                  { an extra = }
{?} is-divisor-of ='((div$(!two,!one)*!one):!two)  { an extra ' }
{?} chack$(3,!is-greater-than,15)  { pass by value }
{?} chack$(3,!is-divisor-of,15)


Prefixes and pattern matching

In patterns, atoms and expressions within parentheses may be preceded by prefixes that control the matching process.

! and !!
in front of an non-nil atom or an expression denoting a member of an object causes expansion of the atom or the member to its direct or indirect binding. This binding is matched with the subject.
causes backtracking if the pattern did not successfully unify with a non-trivial element of the subject-list. A list is an expression consisting of terms ( + operator), factors ( * operator) or words (white-space operator). Trivial elements are 0 in a sum, 1 in a product and a word without characters in a list of words. In non-sophisticated patterns, ` means simply : unify with at most one non-trivial element. Zero non-trivial elements are allowed, in which case unification takes place with an implicit trivial element: Bracmat sees 0's everywhere in a sum, 1's in a product and zero length words in a sentence.
unifies with anything. If ? is followed by a non-nil atom denoting a variable or an expression denoting a member of an object, then the matched part of the subject is captured by this variable or member. In other words, pattern matching can have assignment as a side-effect.
unifies only with atoms. Also, if prefixed to the : operator, it indicates that the pattern applies to the characters inside the atom (string match).
causes the match to succeed only with one or more non-trivial elements of the subject-list. (Exception: in combination with [ prefix).
unifies only with atoms that are less than the atom following the < prefix.
unifies only with atoms that are greater than the atom following the > prefix.
unifies only with rational numbers.
unifies only with non-integer rational numbers.
constrains the match to subjects that are not equal to the atom following the ~ prefix.

The above prefixes may be combined. The ordering in which they are input by the user is irrelevant; Bracmat keeps prefixes in this order :

   [ ~ / # < > % @ ` ? ! !!

Repeating prefixes in front of the same atom does not convey a new meaning to the pattern, except for the ! and the ~ prefixes. More than one ! is interpreted as the !! prefix. An odd number of ~ is treated as a single ~ , an even number thereof is treated as none. A ~ in front of other prefixes negates the first of them. The most useful combinations are:

in front of an atom causes the atom to be expanded to its binding. This binding is treated as a variable name.
is like ?!, but expands two levels deep (with an evaluation of the first level expansion), instead of one.
is like a solitary ~.
unifies only with non-integer rational numbers unequal to 5/6.
means "greater or equal" ("not less").
means "less or equal".
means "not different", i.e. "the same, in some sense". Strings are compared case insensitive. This applies to the full Unicode table, but defaults to ASCII and the upper 128 characters in the ISO8859-1 (Latin 1) character set if the characters are not UTF-8 encoded. Subject and pattern can have different encodings and still match with success.
does not unify with rational numbers.
does not unify with non-integer rational numbers.
unifies only with integer numbers.
unifies only with integer numbers less than 9.
unifies only with non-zero integer numbers.
unifies only with non-atomic expressions.
backtrack immediately.

Many of these combinations can be combined further, e.g. ~/#?!! accepts only an integer number and binds it to the indirect binding of the atom following the prefixes.

If you want to match pattern !pat one or more times (this is often written as {pat}+ ), use the complex pattern (? !pat|`) . Likewise, if you want to match !pat zero or more times ( {pat}* ), use (|? !pat|`) . These patterns should not be the last sub-pattern or precede a subpattern that is static and fixes the end point of the repeating sequence, because the correct working of the repeating patterns depends on repeated backtracking from following sub-patterns. Bracmat may be optimized to skip such backtracking and jump to the 'right' end position if that is fixed by the next subpattern. In the last resort, you can add a pattern like () or (&) or (|) or (:) , which match with an empty list only (assuming that the connecting nodes are spaces, otherwise use 0 in the case of a sum and 1 in the case of a product). Such patters don't fix the next position. Example:

{?} a a a c c:(? a|`) (|? b|`) (? c|`) (&) { {a}+ {b}* {c}+ }

The following expression succeeds, because the subpattern doesn't confront the substring aaak.

{?} @(aaakamcccc:(? a|`) m (|? b|`) (? c|`)) (&)

An empty string before the m has the effect that Bracmat doesn't optimize the backtracking process away.

{?} @(aaakamcccc:(? a|`) () m (|? b|`) (? c|`)) (&)


Programming advice

Binary operators in pattern matching

Escaping operator in patterns

minus sign

The minus sign - has only its normal arithmetic meaning when used as an unary operator in front of a rational number or the imaginary number i .

If a product contains both a rational number and the number i , the i takes precedence in accepting a minus sign:


is evaluated to 7*-i*a.

The advantage of having both i and -i becomes clear by considering the following:


evaluates to (-i)^1/3,

which is written as -i^1/3. As expected, this is the complex conjugate of


If Bracmat did not have a separate representation for -i , then


would evaluate to i ,

(because i^3 is equal to -i ),which means that Bracmat would not consider (-1*i)^1/3 and i^1/3 as complex conjugates.

The transcendental numbers e and pi do not accept arithmetic minus signs.


strings or atoms

A string in Bracmat is the same as an "atom". If you envisage a Bracmat expression as a tree like structure, atoms or strings are to be found in the leafs. In Bracmat terminology, an empty leaf is syntactically represented by nil. nil is not an atom proper, but an atom-or-nil. So not every leaf contains an atom. On the other hand, leafs may contain other things besides atoms, such as prefixes.

In Bracmat, atoms are less accessible than trees. Therefore there are some ways to convert atoms to trees and back.

  1. Conversion between an atom and its constituent characters:
  2. Conversion between an atom and executable Bracmat code:

Atoms can be used as names for variables, functions, files, etc.. Often they are used as literals, such as mathematical symbols or text.

Atoms consist of any number of non-zero bytes, up to the limits set by the operating system and hardware. Atoms can be surrounded by quotation marks, but are in many cases optional. You do need them if you want parentheses,

braces, semicolons, operators or prefixes to be part of an atom.  All UTF-8
encoded unicode characters can be used in strings. Some special characters
attention (bell)
new line
vertical tab
form feed
carriage return
back slash
double quote

If you precede a string with the prefix @, then back slashes are treated as normal characters. E.g. sys$@"C:\dos\edit". In stead of the tab and new line characters above, you may enter tabs and new lines by pressing the tab and the return key, respectively.


{?} this is a "tree" with\nsix leafs
{?} (this is a "tree" with
      seven leafs)
{?} "this" has 4 characters and "" (nil) none
{?} "this is an \"atom\" with 36 characters"
{?} "this string\nno verb"
{?} "this string

no verb either"

{?} "if zero equals one, someone divided by zero" = "1:0&get$(\")y\",MEM)"
{?} get$(!"if zero equals one, someone divided by zero",MEM)






In Bracmat, symbols have only literal meaning, unless we explicitly state that we want a symbol to behave like a programming variable. Contrary to most computer languages, Bracmat evaluates an expression with literals not by expanding these literals to their associated values (if they have any) and computing with these values until a result is obtained, but by rearranging and transforming the expression until a stable form is reached.

{?} a + a
{?} i*i
{?} e^(19/2*pi*i)

In Bracmat, the context of a symbol decides whether it is treated as a variable or as a literal. So it is not necessary to kill a variable in order to use its symbol as a literal, the two uses live peacefully together.

{?} i=2   { variable i is bound to the literal "2" }
{?} !i^2  { the associated value of i is squared }
{?} i^2   { the literal "i" (a special one, like "pi" and "e") is squared }
{?} 7 = prime { the variable 7 is bound to the literal "prime"}
{?} 7 is !7 { the symbol 7 is used as both a literal and a variable}



Variables are represented by atom's, but not all atom's are variables. The context of a symbol determines whether it is a variable or not :

  1. the left operand of the = operator, unless this operand has zero length.
  2. the atom following the ! and !! prefixes
  3. within a pattern, a non-zero length atom following the ? prefix
  4. the left operand of the $ and ' operators
  5. the right operand of the $ operator in macro constructs (e.g. '(1+$a) ).


The four evaluators

In Bracmat, a binary operator may have four different effects, depending on the context of the operator. For each of these contexts there is one evaluator. Of these four evaluators, the macro evaluator is relatively unimportant. The four evaluators are :

  1. the expression evaluator, which takes care for the transformations of expressions.
  2. the match evaluator, which handles the unification of pattern expressions with subject expressions.
  3. the macro evaluator, which merely substitutes certain parts of an expression.
  4. the archivist, which doesn't do anything but keeping expressions alive.

The expression evaluator is the first evaluator that a newly input expression is confronted with. If necessary, it delegates tasks to one of the other three evaluators. The match evaluator can only delegate tasks to the expression evaluator and to the archivist. The macro evaluator can only delegate tasks to the expression evaluator. The archivist doesn't delegate any tasks to other evaluators.

The cross link is in most cases a binary operator. The exceptions to this rule are in the context of the match evaluator: some (combinations of) prefixes involve the expansion of a chain of variable bindings and all but the last subexpansion demand the expression evaluator. In the scheme below, you'll find the current evaluator in the left column and the successor evaluators in the top row. A cross link is represented by the relevant operator or prefixes. If the change of evaluator only applies to the left (right) operand of the cross link operator, the symbol "l" ("r") is used. If the transition depends on the left operand being nil, the symbol "n" is used.

            expression       match            macro            archivist
expression                   :r               n'r              =r 'r
match       &r $ 'l ?! !!                     n'r              =r 'r
macro       $r


Programming advice

program flow
pattern matching
data structures



If a program written in the Bracmat language doesn't work properly, the same debugging protocol applies as with other programming languages :

Programming advice

using out$ as debugging aid

using out$ as debugging aid

The best aid in finding out what a program does, is using the out$ function. The following code is part of a function that computes n! .

(loop = !k+1 : ?k          { increment k }
             : <!n         { compare (old) k+1 with n; if not less, stop }
      & !fac*!k : ?fac     { multiply fac with k }
      & !loop)             { repeat until k = n }

Outside patterns out$ is most easily used. Inside patterns, if you want to inspect a variable that has just been assigned a new value, you use the & operator to temporarily escape into the non-pattern world. If you want to add extra text to the output, remember that the atgument to out$ is returned.

(loop = out$!k+1 : (?k & out$(k is !k)) {show k before and after increment}
                 : <!n                  {but before comparison with n}
      & out$("new fac is:" (!fac*!k:?fac)) {show fac after computation}
      & out$(still need !n+-1*!k loops) {you don't always need quotation marks}
      & !loop)

Now an example that is faulty. The purpose is to find two equal words in a sentence with a non-linear pattern. This expression succeeds, but finds nothing:

 (De kok snijdt recht en de meid snijdt scheef : (? ?a ? !a ?) & out$(!a is occurring twice))

Check what is unified with ? ?a . To do so, put a variable after the first ? and insert an output action after each sub-pattern.

 (De kok snijdt recht en de meid snijdt scheef
     : ((?x & out$(x is !x))   {output x after unification}
       (?a & out$(a is !a))    {output a after unification}
       ? !a ?)                 {the remainder of the pattern}
     & out$(!a is occurring twice)

The program would have to backtrack several times until ?a was unified with snijdt , but the match succeeds with ?a unified with the omnipresent zero length word. A % sign avoids this. A back quote ` helps speeding up, since it avoids multi-word assignments and forces immediate backtracking.

 (De kok snijdt recht en de meid snijdt scheef
     : ((?x & out$(x is !x))  { Watch the number of words in ?x grow ... }
       (%`?a & out$(a is !a)) { while ?a moves towards "snijdt". }
       ? !a ?)                { There backtracking stops }
     & out$(!a is occurring twice) { and the message is output. }

Programming advice

Predefined functions



using dbg' as debugging aid

using dbg' as debugging aid

Some programming errors may be found with the built-in dbg function. The argument of the dbg function is evaluated with an internal debugging flag set. With this flag set, suspicious code is warned against.

It is important that the argument is not evaluated before being passed to the dbg function.

Programming advice

Predefined functions

using out$ as debugging aid


function evaluation
defining functions
nameless functions
lambda abstractions
built-in functions
predefined, changeable functions


Definition of a function

function-name=var1 [,var2, ...].function-body

var1,var2, etc. are explicitly declared local variables. A function is called by function name$argument expression or function name'argument expression , depending on whether argument expression must be evaluated ($) or not (') .

All Bracmat functions have arity one or two, that is, they accept one or two arguments. The argument expression to the right of the ($) or (') is always represented in the body of the function by a local variable arg .

The returned value of a function is simply the function body after it has been evaluated.

{?} square=.!arg^2 {definition}
{?} square$5            {call}

{?} (swap = a,b            {declare local variables a and b}
        .   (!arg:(?a,?b)) {dissect arg to find the real arguments}
         & (!b,!a))        {swap and return}
{?} swap$(I think,I guess)

In a match context, a function call creates a second local variable, sjt (think SuJeT, SubJecT), the current subject. The value returned from a function in a match context is interpreted as a pattern by the match evaluator. However, if the function call fails, the pattern match operation is not attempted and fails as well. The behaviour is not defined if the returned value is negated.

{?} ( like
      .   sim$(!arg,!sjt):>9/10 & ?
        |   den$(sim$(!sjt,)):~<(den$(sim$(!arg,0)))
          & ~`
{?} @( "Dogs and Cats are my enemies": ? like$cat ?)

Local variables in Bracmat are shallowly bound dynamically scoped variables. This means that variables that are used in a function but not locally declared in that function, are inherited from the (function or global) context from which the function is called, which in turn may inherit any undeclared variables from another calling context. This scheme contrasts with most programming languages. It is efficient, but the effect of forgetting to declare a local variable can be unexpected behaviour of conceptually unrelated code.

It is possible to declare a function inside another function. Always declare the name of an embedded function as a local variable.


Recursion and the _ operator

Lambda calculus, currying

The lambda abstraction


translates to


Bracmat's implementation of lambda calculus is a variant of Bracmat's macro substitution. The expression


evaluates to itself, not to something like


(assuming that the variable x had the value foo ). In contrast, the same expression without the leading slash


evaluates to

The rhs of the $ operator must be an atom.

In an lambda abstraction


$x is a bound variable and $y is a free variable.

The expression $x is only replaced by a value if x is the variable in the lambda abstraction or a lambda abstraction that contains the lambda abstraction, as in

   /('(x.(/('(y.($x) ($y)))$aap)))$noot

which evaluates to

   noot aap

No Bracmat variables come into play, not even arg . Thus, in the example above the value aap is bound in ($x) , but never assigned to a variable x .

The expression

   /('(x.(/('(x.($x) ($x)))$aap)))$noot

evaluates to

   aap aap


Built-in functions

access array element: !(12$a):?(11$a)
allocate memory (low level): alc$100
return program (command line) argument: (arg$0:?programName) ((arg$:?o1)&(arg$:?o2))
convert character to internal representation: asc$y:121
convert internal representation to character: chr$121:y
convert Unicode codepoint to UTF-8 character: chu$2000
CPU seconds since start of session: clk$:?t0
convert decimal number to hexadecimal number: d2x$73083734:45B2B56
debugging aid: dbg'(a b c:? b ?)
denominator: den$22/7:7
quotient: div$(22.7):1
file I/O (low-level)
splits expression in prefixes and expression without prefixes
opposite of flg: combines prefixes and expression
return allocated memory (low level)
get input (from file,keyboard or memory)
convert to lower case
list un-evaluated expression(s) or value(s) of variable(s)
apply function to each member of a list
list existing variable names
create new object as a copy of another object
get value from address (peek) (low level)
put value at address (poke) (low level)
write output
rename file or directory or move file
string reverse
remove file
similarity between two atoms
stringize expression into atom
software interrupt (low level)
command line shell
create array, remove array/variable
convert to upper case
convert UTF-8 character to Unicode codepoint
deconstruct a string character-wise or according to specified separator
while loop
convert hexadecimal number to decimal number x2d$BABEFACE:3133078222


index$array name

Both array name and index should evaluate to atoms. array name may be preceded by prefixes, such as ? or !. Indexing starts at 0 and is done modulo(size-of-array). Negative values count from the upper end of the array. The chosen index remains in force until a new indexing function is evaluated.

{?} tbl$(array,4)              { declare array[0..3] }
{?} a-value : 2 $ ?array       { array[2] := a-value }
{?} array = another-value      { array[2] := another-value }
{?} !array : -1 $ ?array       { array[3] := another-value }
{?} 45 : 1$?array              { array[1] := 45 }
{?} 2'!array : 3'!array        { are array[2] and array[3] equal?
                                 Notice use of ' instead of $. }

Built-in functions

alc$number of bytes

This function allocates memory and returns the starting address of the allocated memory, but crashes the program if not enough memory can be allocated. Access to memory that has been allocated in this way is by means of pee$ and pok$. Any allocated memory should at some time be returned to the memory heap with the function fre$.

{?} alc$1000:?p {allocate 1000 bytes and assign starting address to p}

Built-in functions

arg$ or arg$number

If Bracmat is started with any arguments (argc > 1) every argument is evaluated from left to right, unless arguments are consumed by calls to arg$. For example,

   bracmat get$myprog -i c:\documents\input.txt -o d:\html\index.html

would evaluate


in that order. Evaluating the last four arguments is not very meaningful, however: the backslashes are interpreted as escapes, which they are not. Moreover, the colon and the dot are interpreted as operators. However, the bracmat program myprog can call the function arg$ four times and in that way empty the queue of arguments. arg$ returns an atom containing an exact copy of the next program argument. Using string matching the arguments can be parsed, if necessary.

Precautions must be taken if the path or name of the bracmat program contains characters that can be mistakenly interpreted. E.g. (in Windows)

   bracmat "get$@\"c:Program Files\yourprog.bra\""

In *N?X the apostrophes surrounding the first argument must be replaced by quotes.

A second form is arg$N, where 0 <= N < argc. arg$0 will normally return the command name bracmat or a path leading to 'bracmat'. Here is a simple program myprog that demonstrates the two ways of calling the arg$ function

   { myprog }
   &   whl
     ' ( arg$:?argument
       & out$(The next argument is !argument)
   &   whl
     ' ( arg$!N:?argument
       & out$(Argument !N is !argument)
       & 1+!N:?N

Now running bracmat with these arguments (example is Windows):

   bracmat get$myprog -i c:\documents\input.txt -o d:\html\index.html

results in the following output being written to the terminal:

   The next argument is -i
   The next argument is c:documentsinput.txt
   The next argument is -o
   The next argument is d:htmlindex.html
   Argument 0 is bin\bracmat
   Argument 1 is get$myprog
   Argument 2 is -i
   Argument 3 is c:documentsinput.txt
   Argument 4 is -o
   Argument 5 is d:htmlindex.html

Built-in functions


asc$ returns the integer value that corresponds to the character according to the current table used by the operating system (e.g. an extended ASCII table).

{?} asc$"+" {return "ASCII" value of character +}

Built-in functions


chr$ returns the character at location value in the current table of characters used by the operating system. (e.g. an extended ASCII table). chr$ fails if value equals 0.

{?} chr$255 {return the last character from the current table of characters
             (assuming a machine with 8-bit characters)}
{?} ( tolower=.
        !arg:~<A:~>Z                  {If arg is in the range A-Z,}
      & chr$(asc$!arg+-1*asc$A+asc$a) {then return its lower case equivalent,}
    | !arg                            {else return arg unchanged.}
    ) {(Works only correctly if the "distance" between lower and upper case
        versions is the same for all characters in the range A-Z.)}
{?} tolower$G

Built-in functions


clk$ returns the number of CPU seconds that that has been spend on running the current session of Bracmat. The number is an unreduced quotient of number of clock ticks and the number of clock ticks per second.

{?} clk$
{!} 30375/1000

Built-in functions

d2x$decimal value

d2x$ converts a decimal number between 0 and 4294967295 (2^32+-1) to an hexadecimal number consisting of characters 0-9 and A-F. On 64-bit platforms the upper bound is 18446744073709551615 (2^64+-1). The function fails if the argument is not an integer number or if the number is outside this range.

{?} d2x$(2^32+-1)

Built-in functions


Create warnings in situations that probably are programming errors. Currently, a warning is generated when a function definition can not be found.

{?} dbg'(foo$a)
{?} dbg'((myclass.yourfunc)$X)

Built-in functions

den$rational number

The denominator of rational number is returned. There is no built-in numerator extractor function.

{?} den$22/7
{?} num = .!arg*den$!arg { home-made numerator function }
{?} num$22/7
{?} den$sim$(,monkey)   { return length of word "monkey"}

Built-in functions

div$(rational number,rational number)

div$ returns the (integral) quotient of its arguments.

{?} div$(123/45,67/890)

Built-in functions

fil$([[file name][,option[,number[,value to output]]]])

fil$ is a multi-purpose low level I/O function.

fil$([file name],mode)
Set file mode, open a file in a file mode
fil$([file name],type,size[,number])
Prepare for reading or writing fixed sized records
fil$([file name],STR[,stop])
Prepare for reading or writing variable sized record
fil$(file name,TEL)
Telling position inside file
fil$(file name,whence,offset)
Go to file position
fil$([file name][,,number])
Read from file
fil$([file name],,number,value)
Write to file
fil$([file name],SET,-1)
Close a file

Built-in functions

fil$([file name],mode)

Set file mode, open file in file mode.

Option mode is one of the following:

open text file for reading
create text file for writing, or truncate to zero length
append; open text file or create for writing at eof
open binary file for reading
create binary file for writing, or truncate to zero length
append; open binary file or create for writing at eof
open text file for update (reading and writing)
create text file for update, or truncate to zero length
append; open text file or create for update, writing at eof
"r+b" or "rb+"
open binary file for update (reading and writing)
"w+b" or "wb+"
create binary file for update, or truncate to zero length
"a+b" or "ab+"
append; open binary file or create for update, writing at eof

fil$([[file name][,option[,number[,value to output]]]])

fil$([file name],type,size[,number])

Prepare for reading or writing fixed sized records.

Option type is one of the following :

character or string I/O
number I/O

Option size must be a non-negative integer and determines the number of bytes that are read or written as one chunk during a future call to fil$. If type is DEC , only values 1,2 and 4 are valid, corresponding to 1, 2 and 4 byte sized integers, respectively. Notice that 2 and 4 byte integers are not portable between implementations with different byte order. The optional number tells how many read or write operations of size size have to be performed. If type is DEC , the product of size and number may not be greater than 4. If a number is read or written in 2 or more chunks, the least significant bytes or 16 bit words are read or written first (little endian).

fil$([[file name][,option[,number[,value to output]]]])

fil$([file name],STR[,stop])

Prepare for reading or writing variable sized record

Option stop is a string of characters. If the read character or the character to be written is equal to one of the characters in the stop string, reading or writing stops. The default is not to stop until the end of the file (reading) or the end of the string (writing).

fil$([[file name][,option[,number[,value to output]]]])

fil$(file name,TEL)

Telling the position inside the file.

Returns the current value of the file position indicator.

fil$([[file name][,option[,number[,value to output]]]])

fil$(file name,whence,offset )

Go to file position.

Sets the current value of the file position indicator to an offset based on the value of whence.

Option whence is one of the following:

start of file
current file position
end of file. (In some implementations, binary files may not handle END).

For a text file, offset must be 0, or the value returned from a call to fil$(file name,TEL), in which case whence must be SET.

fil$([[file name][,option[,number[,value to output]]]])

fil$([file name][,,number])

Reading from a file.

Reads (if mode permitting) number chunks of size bytes. When reading variable sized records ( STR ), fil$ returns a dot-separated list of two elements: the found stop character and the read string (which does not contain the stop character).

{?} fil$("mytext.txt","rb")               { Open for reading in binary mode. }
{?} fil$(,STR)                   { Prepare for reading until the next 0-byte.}
{?} fil$:(?line.?stop)                         { Read until the next 0-byte. }
{?} fil$(,SET,-1)                                          { Close the file. }

{?} fil$("mytext.txt","rb")               { Open for reading in binary mode. }
{?} fil$(,STR,"\n \t\r")    { Prepare for reading until the next white space.}
{?} :?words             { In a moment, accumulate all words in this variable }
{?} whl'(fil$:(?word.?stop)&!word !words:?words)&          { Read all words. }
{?} fil$(,SET,-1)                                          { Close the file. }
{?} !words                              { Show all words, in reversed order. }

fil$([[file name][,option[,number[,value to output]]]])

fil$([file name],,number,value )

Writing to a file

writes (if mode permitting) number chunks of size bytes from value. If type is DEC , number*size must be 1,2,3 or 4. value must be an integer value and is cast to a binary number with at most number*size*8 bits. This number is stored in number*size bytes, which in turn are output. If number is greater than 1, the byte(s) with the least significant digits are output first. In machines with little-endian byte-order, only the product number*size matters. If type is CHR and the length of value is shorter than number*size, value is padded with spaces (to the right). If type is STR , number must be the empty string

fil$([[file name][,option[,number[,value to output]]]])

fil$([file name],SET,-1)

Closing a file.

An open file is closed by specifying an impossible file position.

fil$([[file name][,option[,number[,value to output]]]])


flg returns a copy of the expression without prefixes ('flags') and a new leaf with the prefixes of the original expression. These two results are coupled with a dot operator, the prefixes to the left and the expression without prefixes to the right. The result is protected against evaluation by a '=' operator.

{?} flg$(=~#<>?%@a)
{!} (=~#<>%@?).a

Use macro evaluation if the expression to be split is the value of a variable:

{?} X=~(%+%)
{!} X
{?} flg$('$X):(=?prefixes.?expr)
{!} =~.%+%
{?} glf$('($prefixes.%*%))
{!} =~(%*%)

Built-in functions


glf returns a copy of expression with prefixes added to its prefixes. If expression has one or more prefixes also present in prefixes, then glf fails. Therefore, glf can be used to test for the presence of one or more prefixes. The result is protected against evaluation by a = operator. The function glf has an effect that is the opposite of flg.

{?} glf$flg$(=?a)
{!} =?a

Use macro evaluation if the expression to be split is the value of a variable.

{?} X=?!x
{!} X
{?} flg$('$X):(=?prefixes.?expr)
{!} =?!.x
{?} glf$('($prefixes.z))
{!} =?!z

Built-in functions

fre$memory address

fre$ returns a chunk of memory to the memory pool (heap). The only valid parameter is a return value of alc$. Applying fre$ to a chunk of memory that was never allocated or that has been returned already results in undefined behaviour of the program.

{?} alc$1000:?p {allocate chunk of 1000 bytes from the memory pool}
{?} fre$!p      {return this chunk to the memory pool}

Built-in functions


get$ reads and interprets characters in a string (internal memory) or file (external memory or keyboard).

options :

present The name of the first parameter is the source of the characters. (MEMory) not present A file with the name of the first parameter is the source.
present The characters are echoed to the screen as they are read. not present No echo.
present The (8-bit) characters are read as is. Extra spaces are inserted between the characters. (VAPorised) not present No extra spaces are added.
present The characters are read into one string. not present The characters are interpreted as parts of a Bracmat expression and evaluated after the whole expression has been read.
present File is read in 'text' mode (file mode r) not present File is read in binary mode (file mode rb)
present File is read in binary mode not present File is still read in binary mode
present The input is parsed as JSON.
present The input is parsed as markup (SGML,XML or HTML). Any unrecognised entity reference is preceded by a DEL character (ASCII code 127 (decimal)). Any DEL character in the input is also preceded by a DEL character, similar to how the traditional escape character '\' is itself represented by doubling it: '\\'.
HT (together with ML)
present HTML entities are translated to UTF-8 characters. not present Only XML entities are translated to UTF-8 characters.
X (together with ML)
present Only XML entities are translated to UTF-8 characters. Processing instructions are assumed to have the syntax ?...? . not present Processing instructions are assumed to have the syntax ?... .
TRM (together with ML)

The VAP option is evaluated before the STR option.

Applications :


Read file matrix and evaluate the expressions (delimited by semicolons) therein. If the system finds a syntax error in a multiple expression file, the ECH option makes it easier to locate the error.


Read file matrix into a string called intern . If this file contains Bracmat instructions, they hereafter exist in a sleeping state in memory.


!intern is, in this example, expanded to an atom with a very long name, namely all of the text of file matrix . The sleeping expressions are evaluated one after the other, just as if get'matrix was evaluated.


Read characters from standard input (normally keyboard) until next line feed character. Put each character into an atom. Put all atoms into a linear list with space operators. Bind this list to the name space-list .


Read the sleeping expression )y from memory. The lexical scanner will find an unbalanced right parenthesis, which could mean that this Bracmat session should stop. The y confirms this assumption and the program will come to an end immediately. If the y hadn't been present, Bracmat would ask end Bracmat session ? (y/n) after which the user has to choose. This trick is useful in batch processing.

If the first parameter is nil or stdin and the MEM option is not used, input is coming from standard input. Take care for putting filenames in double quotes if they contain any characters that can be misunderstood, such as dots, (back) slashes or dollars.

Built-in functions

Codepage 850 support

As of July 2009 Codepage 850 is not supported, unless bracmat is compiled with #define CODEPAGE850 1.

Built-in functions



lst$((=expression) or variable*[,LIN][,RAW])

lst$ outputs all present bindings of one or more variables to standard output. If a variable is local to a function and a variable of the same name already exists in the context of another function invocation or globally, all instances will be listed!

If a variable is listed to stdout, the listing starts with (varname= and ends with ); . The surrounding parentheses are suppressed if a variable is listed to a file.

Expressions headed by the = operator can be used instead of variable names. In that case no semicolon is appended. The listing starts with (= and ends with ) , followed by a newline.

With the RAW option only the expression right of the = operator is listed.

The LIN option suppresses most newlines and all other unneeded white space characters.

If the first parameter is the zero-length string, then all variables with names starting with a character below ASCII 128 are shown. If a variable has more than one binding (arrays/stacks) then the current value is preceded by a > sign. The second parameter is optional.

{?} lst$help      { shows this programme on screen,
                    unless stdout has been redirected }
{?} lst$(tay,LIN) { listing without indentations of function tay$ }

Built-in functions

option LIN

option LIN

If LIN is not present, output is very much indented, sometimes making it more readable for humans. If LIN is present, output is as compact as possible.

Built-in functions

lst$((=expression) or variable*[,LIN][,RAW])


lst$((=expression) or variable*,MEM [,LIN][,RAW])

put$(expression,MEM [,LIN])

lst$((=expression) or variable*,MEM [,LIN][,RAW])

The difference with the preceding form is, that output takes place to memory. What is normally visible on screen is put in one atom, which is the return value of the call to lst. It has the opposite effect of get$(atom,MEM). Use : compression of an expression to save space. If the compressed expression is needed, it is decompressed with get$. Compression is typically by a factor of about 5, but may be as large as 16. Expressions with very large atoms (such as this help function) do less well. Example:

{?} lst$(fct,MEM):?sleeping-fct
{?} tbl$(fct,0)   { remove function fct$ from memory }
{?} { .. celebrate space-saving, until fct$ is needed .. }
{?} get$(!sleeping-fct,MEM)

Built-in functions

option LIN

lst$((=expression) or variable*,file name,NEW | APP [,LIN][,TXT][,BIN])

lst$((=expression) or variable*,file name,NEW | APP [,LIN][,TXT][,BIN])

This time, output is sent to the named file instead of standard output. The third argument is explained below. Code that has been saved with lst$ can be reloaded with get$.

{?} lst$(,"all",NEW,LIN)
    { write all current code without indentations to file "all" }
{?} lst$(tay,taylor,NEW)
    { save function tay$ to file "taylor" in indented format }

Built-in functions

lst$((=expression) or variable*,MEM [,LIN][,RAW])

options NEW , APP , TXT and BIN

options NEW , APP , TXT and BIN

One of the options NEW and APP must be present:

tells the computer to open a new file or overwrite an old one.

Options TXT and BIN overrule the default file mode of the functions put and lst .

tells Bracmat to write a file in text mode. This is the default file mode for put . In Windows, each line feed character will be preceded by a carriage return. In Unix and Linux, text mode and binary mode are the same.

Built-in functions

lst$((=expression) or variable*,file name,NEW | APP [,LIN][,TXT][,BIN])

put$(expression,file name,NEW | APP [,LIN])


map$ produces a list containing the results of applying fnc to each member in list. fnc can be the name of a function, a function definition ('anonymous function') or a lambda abstraction. fnc can also be the name of a built-in function. (See the first example.) The members in list must be separated by the space operator.

{?} map$(rev.aap noot mies)
{!} paa toon seim
{?} map$(/('(x.$x^2)).1 2 3 4)
{!} 1 4 9 16
{?} map$((=.!arg^2).1 2 3 4)
{!} 1 4 9 16
{?} (square=.!arg^2)&map$(square.1 2 3 4)
{!} 1 4 9 16

{?} (  map
    $ ( (
        =   x
          .     !arg:?*?^%?x*?*?^!x*?
              & (!arg."same exponent" !x)
            | (!arg.)
      . a*b^3*c^2 d*f^3*g^2*h*j^3 o*p
{!} (a*b^3*c^2.)
    (d*f^3*g^2*h*j^3.same exponent 3)

Built-in functions


mem$ produces a list of all currently existing variables, except those beginning with a character above ASCII 126. The EXT option adds information about the number of occurrences (array or stack size - 1) of those variables which have more than one occurrence and shows which of them is currently in focus (index into array: 0 .. size-1). The predefined function cat$ makes use of mem$.

{?} mem$
{?} mem$EXT

Built-in functions


mod$ divides number by divisor. The rest is returned.

{?} mod$(22,7)

Built-in functions

new$object or new$(object,args)

new$ creates a shallow copy of an object and calls the method new of the new object, if there is one. With the second form, args is passed to the method new . Example:

{?} (patient=
  (name=(first=John),(last=Bull)) {name is a copy, first and last are not}
  , (age=20)
  , ( new
      .   out$"hello world"
        & new$( {create fresh copies of first and last}
        &   !arg
          : (?(
{?} new$(patient,(Albert.Keinstein.42)):?x
{?} new$(
{?} Alice:?(Name..first)
{?} new$(('$patient),(Albert.Keinstein.42)):?y {x and y are identical !}
{?} new$(=(a=1),(b=2)):?ab {"die" is called when ab is reassigned}
{?} 3:?(ab..a)
{?} new$(=(a=1),(b=2),(new=.),(die=.)):(=?cd) {"die" is called at once!}
{?} 3:?(cd.a)

When an object was created with the new$ function, an internal flag is set in the object telling the system that the die method must be called just before deletion of the object. The die method, like the new method, is optional and should be used to do clean-up.

Built-in functions

pee$(address [,size])

Depending on size, a 1, 2 or 4 byte sized integer allocated at address is returned.

2 and 4 byte integers may only start at addresses that are multiples of 2 and 4, respectively. address is lowered to the nearest allowable value, if needed. Notice that multi byte integers are stored differently in Little Endian (iAPx86, VAX, ARM) and Big Endian (MC680x0) machines. Many operating systems abort programs that try to access non-existent or protected memory areas.

{?} chr$pee$34567  {return value at address 34567 (1 byte) as a character}
{?} pee$(34567,2) {return value at address 34566 (2 bytes)}
{?} pee$(34567,4) {return value at address 34564 (4 bytes)}

Built-in functions

pok$(address,value [,size])

Depending on size, a 1, 2 or 4 byte sized integer is stored at address.

2 and 4 byte integers may only start at addresses that are multiples of 2 and 4, respectively. address is lowered to the nearest allowable value, if needed. Notice that multi byte integers are stored differently in Little Endian (iAPx86, VAX, ARM) and Big Endian (MC680x0) machines. Many operating systems abort programs that try to access non-existent or protected memory areas.

{?} pok$(34567,asc$K) {store the internal value of the character K at memory
                        location 34567 (as 1 byte)}
{?} pok$(34567,-1,4) {store 2^32-1 at memory location 34564
                      (assuming 1-complement arithmetic)}

Built-in functions


Sends expression to standard output. The cursor is positioned after the last output character. The predefined function out$ does the same as put$, with the exception that it positions the cursor on the beginning of the next line.

{?} put$("b+a" is after evaluation b+a)

Built-in functions

option LIN

put$(expression,MEM [,LIN])

expression is stringized and placed into an atom, which is the return value of the call. This use of put$ is similar to the str$ function, but whereas str$ suppresses the space operator, put$ transfers every character, including space operators, to the atom.

{?} put$(this is not Lotus 1 1+1 1+1+1,MEM):?proposition &
{?} put$!proposition

Built-in functions

option LIN

put$(expression,file name,NEW | APP [,LIN])

put$(expression,file name,NEW | APP [,LIN])

Write expression to the named file.

{?} put$(tay$(e^x,x,10),"e.out",APP)

Built-in functions

put$(expression,MEM [,LIN])

options NEW , APP , TXT and BIN


Renames a file or directory or moves a file. The ren$ function succeeds, unless a syntactic error was made. If there is an error at the operating system level, one of the following codes is returned:

File or directory specified by newname already exists or could not be created (invalid path); or oldname is a directory and newname specifies a different path.
File or path specified by oldname not found.
Name contains invalid characters.

If the command succeeds at the operating system level, the value 0 is returned.

Built-in functions

rmv$file name

Removes a file. The rmv$ function succeeds, unless a syntactic error was made. If there is an error at the operating system level, one of the following codes is returned:

Indicates that the path specifies a read-only file or that the file is open.

If the command succeeds at the operating system level, the value 0 is returned.

Built-in functions


Reverses the order of bytes in an atom. This function can be useful in case of a string match that asks for the last occurrence of a pattern.

The rev$ function succeeds on all atoms and fails on all other expressions.

Built-in functions


sim$ uses the Ratcliff/Obershelp pattern matching algorithm in establishing a measure of the similarity between its two (atomic) arguments. The returned value is an unsimplified fraction. The denominator is the sum of the numbers of characters in both arguments. The numerator is the total number of characters that have been matched successfully. Matching is case-insensitive. This applies to the full Unicode table, but defaults to ASCII and the upper 128 characters in the ISO8859-1 (Latin 1) character set if the characters are not UTF-8 encoded.

{?} sim$(colour,Color)
{?} den$sim$(,"this is an easy way to find this string's length")
{?} div$(sim$("similarity rounded","and in procents")+1/200,1/100)

Built-in functions


str$ writes expression into one single atom. All atoms, prefixes and operators, with the exception of the space operator, are copied to the output string. Main use : pasting of two or more atoms.

{?} n=3
{?} str$(var !n) = seventeen
{?} out$(var3 is !var3)
{?} editfile = mytxts/story
{?} sys$str$("vi " !editfile)   { execute UNIX command "vi mytxts/story" }
{?} a=x+2*y;b=2*x+y
{?} put$str$(!a "+" !b " = " !a+!b)

Built-in functions

swi$(interrupt number.input value,[input value,...])

This function is the most operating-system-dependent function in Bracmat. Currently, it is implemented for RISC-OS (Archimedes) and 16-bit MS-DOS versions of Bracmat. All arguments must be integer values. The list of input values (registers r0 and upwards) need not be complete. Missing values are assumed to be zero. Blocks of memory should be passed by allocating memory with alc$ and passing the returned value. The returned value has the form

(error code.output value,output value,...)

An error code of 0 means that no error is reported. In the MS-DOS version, the input registers are AX,BX,CX,DX,BP,SI,DI,DS,ES and FLAGS, respectively.

{?} {RISC-OS only}
{?} putstr=(loop,c,buf,ret.        { goal:copy argument to memoryblock }
      alc$(den$sim$(!arg,)+1):?buf:?ret { allocate block for string to fit }
    & get$(!arg,MEM,VAP):?arg      { argument -> single characters }
    & (loop = !arg:%?c ?arg & pok$(!buf.asc$!c.1) & !buf+1:?buf & !loop)
    & ~!loop                       { poke each character into memory block }
    & pok$(!buf.0.1)               { poke string-delimiting zero }
    & !ret)                         { return pointer to block }
{?} putstr$"OS_EvaluateExpression":?inbuf { create pointer to string }
{?} 57:?"OS_SWINumberFromString"   { From manual }
{?} swi$(!"OS_SWINumberFromString".0,!inbuf):(?error.?nummer,?) { find
     interrupt number corresponding with the string "OS_EvaluateExpression"}
{?} fre$!inbuf { deallocate block containing copy of input string }

{?} {MS-DOS only}
{?} gotoxy = (VIDEO,setCursorPosition,videoPage0.
{?}   16:?VIDEO                 { interrupt number 10H }
{?} & 2*256:?setCursorPosition  { AH }
{?} & 0*256:?videoPage0         { BH }
{?} & !arg:(?x,?y)              { DL and DH }
{?} & swi$(!VIDEO.!setCursorPosition,!videoPage0,0,!x+256*!y)
{?} )
{?} gotoxy$(0,0) & put$(top left corner)

Built-in functions

sys$command line commando

In most environments, sys$ passes its argument to the command line interpreter. Therefore, sys$ has a functionality that very much depends on the operating system in which Bracmat runs. One has to take care for memory limitations and the possibility that sys$ may never return. Possible uses are for example :

The functions put$(expression,MEM) or str$expression may be used for constructing an argument for sys$ :

{?} file = bracmat.c
{?} !file:((?stem.?)|?stem) {remove file extension and put result in "stem"}
{?} sys$str$("copy " !file " " !stem.bak)

The sys$ function succeeds, unless a syntactic error was made. If there is an error at the operating system level, one of the following codes is returned:

Argument list (which is system-dependent) is too big.
Command interpreter cannot be found.
Command-interpreter file has invalid format and is not executable.

If the command succeeds at the operating system level, the value 0 is returned.

Built-in functions

tbl$(variable,array size)

The named variable is (re-)sized to an array with array size elements. Resizing always affects the elements with the highest indexes first : shrinking means that the last elements are lost, expanding creates new zero-valued elements at the end.

If array-size equals zero, the named variable ceases to exist in memory. This is the only way in Bracmat to get rid of global variables.

Stacks and arrays are exactly the same thing in Bracmat. Therefore, it is not possible to declare arrays locally.

Bracmat never accesses arrays as a whole; there is always just one element that is in focus. By issuing an instruction of the form index$array name or index'array name you can explicitly tell Bracmat to put focus on some element. Bracmat does this automatically in the case of pushing and popping local variables onto and from a stack.

{?} tbl$(bigarray,16000)
{?} lst$bigarray          { this may take a long time to execute }
{?} tbl$(bigarray,0)      { remove bigarray }
{?} lst$bigarray

Built-in functions

vap$(fnc.string) or vap$(fnc.string.separator )

The version without specified separator splits the string in a list of characters and applies fnc$ to each character. vap$ checks whether the string is valid UTF-8 before splitting the string. If not, it splits the string in 8-byte characters, even if some substrings could be interpreted as valid UTF-8.

The version with a specified separator splits the string at each occurrence of the separator. The separator can be any non-zero length string. The separator does not become part of the output. This version is especially useful for reading CSV files and tab-separated files. Note that, if the last character of the input string is a separator, the last call to fnc$ is with a zero-length string. This will often happen if a newline character terminates every line in the input string and the newline character is specified as a separator.

Built-in functions


whl' implements a while expression loop. The expression is repeatedly evaluated until it fails. whl' always succeeds. Notice that whl' is faster than loops using tail recursion.

Built-in functions

x2d$hexadecimal value

x2d$ converts an hexadecimal number between 0 and FFFFFFFF to a decimal number. On 64-bit platforms the upper bound is FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. The function fails if the argument is not a string with a length between 1 and 8 only containing the characters 0-9, a-f and A-F.

{?} x2d$ffffffff

Built-in functions

Predefined functions

Besides hard-coded built-in functions, Bracmat offers a number of soft-coded functions which behave as user defined functions in all respects. They are redefinable and removable, for example. Some functions are called by the interpreter itself and should never be changed by the user. Such functions have names that start with an 8-bit character with the high-bit set. Bracmat has been drilled to leave these names out when the user asks for a list of variable names (lst$ or mem$), so you will not notice their existence. The following visible functions are predefined:

absolute value
list existing variable names selectively
cosine formula
floating point notation of numbers
serialize data to JSON format
detect the encoding used in XML or HTML data
nest the internal representation of XML or HTML data
output to screen, then new line
sine formula
Taylor series development
convert an internal representation of XML or HTML to XML resp. HTML


abs$expression and sgn$expression

sgn$ determines the sign of the numerical factor of expression. If the sign is - , then sgn returns -1 . In all other cases the returned value is 1.

abs$expression is defined as sgn$expression*expression .

{?} sgn$(-1*i)
{?} abs$(-7*a)

Predefined functions

cat$([include list][,[exclude list][,EXT]])

cat$ is like the built-in function mem$, but offers the possibility to exclude names that are not in the first parameter and/or to exclude names that are in the second parameter. The optional third parameter adds information about array size and current index value, e.g. (arg,5,5). If the first parameter is missing, this is taken to mean that NO names are excluded (unless by virtue of the second parameter). You can use cat$ to save the state of the variable space for later use, e.g. removing all variables that have been created since.

{?} cat$(,,EXT):?save-state  { mem$EXT is also OK. }
{?} newvar1=12345            { create new variables }
{?} tbl$(newvar2,100)
{?} cat$(,!save-state,EXT)   { show the newcomers }

Predefined functions

cos$expression and sin$expression

These functions produce cos(expression) and sin(expression), expressed in powers of e . In this way, expressions with goniometric functions can be differentiated and, sometimes, simplified.

Predefined functions


fct$ uses some heuristics in trying to factorise expression.

{?} 1+(2*a^3+6/7*t)*(3*x+4*y+z^-1)+-1:?sum
{?} fct$!sum

Predefined functions

flt$(rational number,number of decimals)

flt$ converts a rational number to a floating point presentation. The result is stored in an atom. This function is meant for output, Bracmat does not use floating point numbers itself.

{?} flt$(123/456,78)
{?} flt$(sub$(tay$(sin$x,x,40).x.11/7),12)

Predefined functions


jsn$ serializes expression to JSON format.

Suppose mars.json contains



Read mars.json into variable mars:

{?} get$("mars.json",JSN):?mars
{!} (Eccentricity.934/10000) + (moons.,(.Deimos) (.Phobos)) + (planet..Mars)

Now add the fact that Mars' gravity, compared to the Earth's, is about 3711/9807

{?} (ratio.3711/9807)+!mars:?mars
{!} (Eccentricity.934/10000) + (moons.,(.Deimos) (.Phobos)) + (planet..Mars) + (ratio.3711/9807)

Finally, serialize the new data to JSON

{?} jsn$!mars
{!} {"Eccentricity":0.0934,"moons":["Deimos","Phobos"],"planet":"Mars","ratio":3.78403181401040073417E-1}

Numbers are, if possible, represented in exact fixed decimal notation. If rounding is inevitable, numbers are represented in floating point notation with 21 digits. Numbers that have been read from JSON input are always considered to be unrounded, and therefore represented in fixed decimal notation upon writing to JSON.

Objects have their elements sorted.

No attempt is made to make the result look pretty using indentation.

Predefined functions

Mapping between JSON and Bracmat expressions

Mapping between JSON and Bracmat expressions

A JSON object is represented as a sum of dotted pairs as the lhs (left hand side) of a comma operator, while the rhs must be empty. The original ordering of members may be lost, as the sum operator sorts its terms. In each dotted pair, the lhs represents the object member's key while the rhs represents the object member's value. An empty object is represented as (0,)

A JSON array is a space separated list as the rhs of a comma operator with an empty string as lhs.

A string is mapped to the atomic rhs of a dot operator, leaving the lhs empty.

Integer numbers map onto themselves. A non integral number is represented in fixed point notation if there is an exact representation. Otherwise, a floating point representation with 21 digits is produced.

true, false and null map onto themselves.

Predefined functions


MLencoding$internal expression of XML or HTML data

This function parses the data for indicators of the used character encoding.

Predefined functions

nestML$internal expression of XML or HTML data

After reading XML or HTML data, all text and tags are in a flat list. The function nestML attempts to match opening and closing tags and creates a tree structure. This works best for XML data

Predefined functions


Uses the built-in function put$ to output expression to the output stream (usually the screen). Output is ended with a new line. Normally, out$ returns its argument. out$ is a good debugging tool, but put$ is slightly safer, as it handles failing arguments in the correct way, contrary to out$.

{?} put$a & put$b
{?} out$a & out$b

Predefined functions

using out$ as debugging aid

sub$(expression.pattern.replacement )

substitution function argument 1 : subject argument 2 : pattern argument 3 : replacement for subexpressions matched by pattern.

Predefined functions

tay$(expression,variable,number of terms )

A Taylor expansion is applied to expression. The second argument is the independent variable. The third argument denotes the number of terms, including vanishing terms.

{?} tay$((cos$x)^-1,x,20)

Predefined functions

toML$internal expression of XML or HTML data

This function creates a string containing XML or HTML formatted data from an internal representation of those data. toML works both with nested and unnested data. All necessary character conversions are made in PCDATA and attributes.

Predefined functions


chu$ returns the UTF-8 character at Unicode code point value. chu$ fails if value equals 0 or less or if value exceeds 2147483647 (7FFFFFFF). According to the UTF-8 standard values above 1114111 (10FFFF) are illegal.

{?} d2x$utf$chu$x2d$7fffffff

Built-in functions


utf$UTF-8 character



low$ converts a string to all-lowercase. The characters 'A'-'Z' are converted to 'a'-'z'. Other characters are handled as UTF-8 encoded Unicode characters, but default to ISO 8859 (Latin 1) if the argument is not valid UTF-8.

Built-in functions


Codepage 850 support




upp$ converts a string to all-uppercase. The characters 'a'-'z' are converted to 'A'-'Z'. Other characters are handled as UTF-8 encoded Unicode characters, but default to ISO 8859 (Latin 1) if the argument is not valid UTF-8.

Built-in functions


Codepage 850 support


utf$UTF-8 character

utf$ returns the Unicode code point of the UTF-8 character. The function fails if the string is too short or too long, or if the sequence is an invalid UTF-8 string.

It is safe to use utf$ in a pattern: @(!txt:(?%c & utf$!c) ?) If the value of txt starts with an valid UTF-8 sequence, bracmat backtracks until the value of c matches the UTF-8 sequence. If txt starts with a sequence that is not UTF-8, bracmat stops backtracking when that fact has been established.

Built-in functions


Character set


Hash tables

If you need to manage a large data set it, may be a good idea to use a hash- table instead of a list. Storing, retrieving and deleting are costly processes in lists, but cheap in hash tables. Handling hash tables in Bracmat is very simple. You create a hash table as follows

{?} new$hash:?myhash

Hereafter, myhash refers to a hash table and is treated in the same way as a user defined object. Bracmat keeps the load factor between 50 and 100, rehashing as necessary.

If you know the hash table is going to be much bigger than about 100 bins, you can suggest the size of the table to Bracmat, but this is not necessary:

{?} new$(hash,1000000):?mybiggerhash

This tells Bracmat to start off with a million bins.

The following methods are defined for hash tables:

find all values for a given key
insert a value for a key
remove a key and all its values
creates a hash table, cannot be called programmatically
cleans up a hash table, cannot be called programmatically
make all key access case-insensitive
make all key access case sensitive. (Default)
apply a function to all key-value pairs


(myhash..find)$key:(?Key.?Value) ?OtherKeyValuePairs

Returns a blank-separated list of key-value pairs, all with the same key.

Hash tables


Inserts the key Key with the value Value . Multiple values for the same key are possible and the same value can be inserted more than once for the same key.

Hash tables


Removes the key with all its values and returns a blank-separated list of key-value pairs.

Hash tables


This is a method of the hash class that is called by the system when it evaluates new$hash. It cannot be called from user code.

Hash tables


This method is called when a hash object is deleted. It is not directly called from user code. (Compare with a C++ destructor). You can add your own clean up code by writing a die method and adding it to a hash object once it is created. Example:

{?} new$hash:?myhash; { create a hash table myhash }
{?} ((
    =   ( Insert                       { Add a method 'Insert' to myhash that
                                         only allows one value per key. }
        =   K,V
          .     !arg:(?K.?V)
              & (Its..find)$!K:(?.?v)
              &   out
                $ ( str
                  $ ( "Key "
                      " already present"
                      ( !V:!v&" with same"
                      | ", but with different"
                      " value "
            | (Its..insert)$!arg
        (die=.out$"Who ordered th")  { This method is called just before
                                         the object is deleted. }
  : (=?(myhash.)))

{?} (myhash..Insert)$(X.12);              { Insert the value 12 for key X. }
{?} (myhash..Insert)$(X.12);              { Try to do it one more time. }
{?} (myhash..Insert)$(X.10);              { Try to insert another value
                                            for the same key.}
{?} (myhash..insert)$(Z.1);               { Use the built-in insert method.}
{?} (myhash..insert)$(Z.1);               { Insert same value again. }
{?} (myhash..insert)$(Z.2);               { Also insert a different value. }
{?} (myhash..find)$X;                     { Show all key-value pairs of X.
                                                           (only 1) }
{?} (myhash..find)$Z;                     { Show all key-value pairs of Z.(3)}
{?} (myhash..remove)$Z:?values;
{?} :?myhash;                             { Get rid of the hash table. }

Hash tables


Make all key access case-insensitive. This applies to the full Unicode table, but defaults to ASCII and the upper 128 characters in the ISO8859-1 (Latin 1) character set if the characters are not UTF-8 encoded.

Hash tables


Make all key access case sensitive. This the default.

Hash tables


Apply the function to all key-value pairs. The function can be specified by its name or by its function body. The forall method finishes when all elements are traversed or before that if the function fails. The behaviour of forall is undefined if the hash table is changed or deleted during the traversal, although this can be done safely. For example may some members be missed and others be processed more than once.


{?} new$hash:?myhash; { create a hash table myhash }
{?} (myhash..insert)$(X.12);                { Insert the value 12 for key X. }
{?} (myhash..insert)$(Z.1);                 { Use the built-in insert method.}
{?} ( (myhash..forall)                      { Output all key-value pairs. }
    $ (
      =   Key,Value,loop
        .   ( loop
            =   !arg:(?Key.?Value) ?arg
              & out$(str$("Key=" !Key  " Value=" !Value))
              & !loop
          & ~!loop

Hash tables

Character set

Bracmat supports UTF-8 as well as ISO 8859-1 encoded source code. In most cases it does not matter how characters are encoded, because Bracmat merely sees sequences of non-zero bytes. Only a few functions explicitly handle UTF-8 encoded characters. When lower- or uppercasing text, Bracmat assumes that the argument is UTF-8 encoded, but graciously falls back to regarding the argument as ISO 8859-1 encoded if parsing the argument as UTF-8 fails. UTF-16 and UTF-32 is not supported, because those encodings make use of zero-bytes.


utf$UTF-8 character


main menu

! and !!
Prefixes and pattern matching
Program flow
Prefixes and program flow
!a & !b
!a | !b
!a:!p & `!b | !c
Program flow
Prefixes and program flow
Binary operators in pattern matching
!subject : !pattern
Program flow
"a+b" or "ab+"
"r+b" or "rb+"
"w+b" or "wb+"
fil$([file name],mode)
Prefixes and pattern matching
function evaluation
Prefixes and pattern matching
Binary operators in program flow
function evaluation
(!s:!p)&!e or !s:!p&!e
(!s:!p)|!e or !s:!p|!e
Binary operators in pattern matching
Algebraic operations
Construction of data structures
Prefixes and pattern matching
Assignment to variables
Prefixes and pattern matching
The = operator
Prefixes and pattern matching
options NEW , APP , TXT and BIN
options NEW , APP , TXT and BIN
How Bracmat evolved
CALL b(x,y,z);
Some often used control structures
fil$([file name],type,size[,number])
fil$(file name,whence,offset )
fil$([file name],type,size[,number])
Some often used control structures
sys$command line commando
rmv$file name
fil$(file name,whence,offset )
rmv$file name
sys$command line commando
FOR i := m TO n DO b;
Some often used control structures
Gentle introduction
Gentle introduction to pattern matching
HT (together with ML)
How did Bracmat evolve?
How Bracmat evolved
How does Bracmat work?
User Interaction with Bracmat
How to obtain Bracmat
How to obtain Bracmat
Some often used control structures
How Bracmat evolved
MLencoding$internal expression of XML or HTML data
index$array name
options NEW , APP , TXT and BIN
Non-linear patterns
Non-linear patterns
How Bracmat evolved
Pattern matching in character strings
Pattern matching in strings
Pattern matching in tree structures
Binary operators in pattern matching
Recursive patterns
Pattern matching with recursive patterns
Rewriting data using pattern matching
Rewriting data using pattern matching
SELECT a WHEN c1 : b1 WHEN c2 : b2 OTHERWISE bx;
Some often used control structures
fil$(file name,whence,offset )
Snobol, Icon
How Bracmat evolved
TRM (together with ML)
options NEW , APP , TXT and BIN
Some often used control structures
What are Bracmat's limitations?
What is Bracmat?
What is Bracmat?
Where to find example code on the internet
Where to find example code on the internet
Why the name "Bracmat"?
Why the name "Bracmat"?
Why use Bracmat?
Why use Bracmat?
X (together with ML)
Prefixes and pattern matching
Construction of data structures
strings or atoms
Algebraic operations
strings or atoms
Algebraic operations
The dummy operator _
Prefixes and pattern matching
`!p & !q
Program flow
fil$([file name],mode)
abs$expression and sgn$expression
Algebraic operations
alc$number of bytes
algebraic operations
Algebraic operations
arg$ or arg$number
Assignment to variables
binary operators
Binary operators
binary operators - overview
=.,|&: +*^\L\D'$_
built-in functions
Built-in functions
cat$([include list][,[exclude list][,EXT]])
character set
Character set
cos$expression and sin$expression
Lambda calculus, currying
d2x$decimal value
data structures
Construction of data structures
defining functions
Definition of a function
den$rational number
Algebraic operations
div$(rational number,rational number)
Algebraic operations
exprA & exprB
exprA | exprB
Binary operators in program flow
expression : ?variable
Assignment to variables
fil$([[file name][,option[,number[,value to output]]]])
fil$([file name],,number,value)
fil$([file name],,number,value )
fil$([file name],SET,-1)
fil$([file name],SET,-1)
fil$([file name],STR[,stop])
fil$([file name],STR[,stop])
fil$([file name],mode)
fil$([file name],mode)
fil$([file name],type,size[,number])
fil$([file name],type,size[,number])
fil$([file name][,,number])
fil$([file name][,,number])
fil$(file name,TEL)
fil$(file name,TEL)
fil$(file name,whence,offset)
fil$(file name,whence,offset )
(myhash..find)$key:(?Key.?Value) ?OtherKeyValuePairs
flt$(rational number,number of decimals)
fre$memory address
function evaluation
function evaluation
functions and macros
function evaluation
The grammar of Bracmat
hash tables
Hash tables
lambda abstractions
Lambda calculus, currying
Algebraic operations
lst$((=expression) or variable*[,LIN][,RAW])
Algebraic operations
nameless functions
The nameless functions $expression and 'expression
new$object or new$(object,args)
pattern matching
Pattern matching
Binary operators in pattern matching
Prefixes and pattern matching
pee$(address [,size])
pok$(address,value [,size])
predefined, changeable functions
Predefined functions
prefixes combined with expressions
Prefixes and pattern matching
prefixes/unary operators
program flow
Binary operators in program flow
Program flow
Prefixes and program flow
programming in Bracmat
Programming advice
fil$([file name],mode)
rmv$file name
abs$expression and sgn$expression
cos$expression and sin$expression
strings or atoms
strings or atoms
sub$(expression.pattern.replacement )
swi$(interrupt number.input value,[input value,...])
sys$command line commando
tay$(expression,variable,number of terms )
tbl$(variable,array size)
the dummy operator
The dummy operator _
the four evaluation contexts
The four evaluators
toML$internal expression of XML or HTML data
unary operators
minus sign
utf$UTF-8 character
v := IF a THEN b ELSE c;
v := b(x,y,z);
Some often used control structures
vap$(fnc.string) or vap$(fnc.string.separator )
variable = expression
Assignment to variables
fil$([file name],mode)
x2d$hexadecimal value
Binary operators in program flow
Prefixes and pattern matching
Program flow
Prefixes and pattern matching


main menu

What is Bracmat?
Why use Bracmat?
User Interaction with Bracmat
How Bracmat evolved
Why the name "Bracmat"?
How to obtain Bracmat
Where to find example code on the internet
Pattern matching
Gentle introduction to pattern matching
Rewriting data using pattern matching
Non-linear patterns
Pattern matching with recursive patterns
Pattern matching in strings
Matching a number in a string
Binary operators in pattern matching
Escaping operator in patterns
The grammar of Bracmat
Binary operators
=.,|&: +*^\L\D'$_
The = operator
Assignment to variables
Binary operators in program flow
Algebraic operations
function evaluation
macro evaluation
Program transformation
The dummy operator _
Recursion and the _ operator
Some often used control structures
The nameless functions $expression and 'expression
Construction of data structures
Program flow
Prefixes and program flow
Prefixes and pattern matching
minus sign
strings or atoms
The four evaluators
Programming advice
using out$ as debugging aid
using dbg' as debugging aid
Definition of a function
Lambda calculus, currying
Built-in functions
index$array name
alc$number of bytes
arg$ or arg$number
d2x$decimal value
den$rational number
div$(rational number,rational number)
fil$([[file name][,option[,number[,value to output]]]])
fil$([file name],mode)
fil$([file name],type,size[,number])
fil$([file name],STR[,stop])
fil$(file name,TEL)
fil$(file name,whence,offset )
fil$([file name][,,number])
fil$([file name],,number,value )
fil$([file name],SET,-1)
fre$memory address
Codepage 850 support
lst$((=expression) or variable*[,LIN][,RAW])
option LIN
lst$((=expression) or variable*,MEM [,LIN][,RAW])
lst$((=expression) or variable*,file name,NEW | APP [,LIN][,TXT][,BIN])
options NEW , APP , TXT and BIN
new$object or new$(object,args)
pee$(address [,size])
pok$(address,value [,size])
put$(expression,MEM [,LIN])
put$(expression,file name,NEW | APP [,LIN])
rmv$file name
swi$(interrupt number.input value,[input value,...])
sys$command line commando
tbl$(variable,array size)
vap$(fnc.string) or vap$(fnc.string.separator )
x2d$hexadecimal value
Predefined functions
abs$expression and sgn$expression
cat$([include list][,[exclude list][,EXT]])
cos$expression and sin$expression
flt$(rational number,number of decimals)
Mapping between JSON and Bracmat expressions
MLencoding$internal expression of XML or HTML data
sub$(expression.pattern.replacement )
tay$(expression,variable,number of terms )
toML$internal expression of XML or HTML data
utf$UTF-8 character
Hash tables
(myhash..find)$key:(?Key.?Value) ?OtherKeyValuePairs
Character set

main menu

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